Very Short MAW Missions (Primary for Multiplayer)


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As I have mentioned earlier on the previous post for PTO, I was planning to create short missions for MAW and here they are! They are very short but I hope you would find some enjoyment in these. I hope you get the slight reference humor in some of these (by reading the titles and the outcome). Enjoy.

Please be aware these are for the original MAW addon (version 1.31) not the recent MAW 1943 beta--unfortunately, I do not have this new addon.

Requires MAW 1.31 addon:

GGMAW1.xml - "Blow Up, Top Gun" Difficulty: Medium
GGMAW2.xml - "Biplanes Encounter" Difficulty: Easy
GGMAW3.xml - "Blowing up, Egypt" Difficulty: Medium
GGMAW4.xml - "Refinery Search" Difficulty: Medium
GGMAW5.xml - "Simple Sub Port Attack" Difficulty: Medium

Place these files under missions\whatif


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