Veterans! THANK YOU!


Charter Member
I don't know how many of you came back from Vietnam to the egging, name calling, and venom from those whom you served instead of. It really was a slap in the face. All of that has changed! Personally I am grateful that the climate now for our returning and currently serving soldiers are enjoying. These guys deserve all the praise we can lavish. Many will have to relive what they have endured for the rest of their lives. I want to thank all of you who served and did what had to be done!

Free meals for vets:
I served with the USAF in Vietnam during Dec. 1967 - Dec. 1968 . When I came back in the first week of December to San Francisco, I didn't meet any of that vehemence. Perhaps it was because my plane came in from Alaska and not direct from Vietnam. I came back dressed in my tan 1505 uniform, got off the plane and immediately went to find and get on the bus to Travis AFB where my honorable discharge from service took place a few days later. I then had some civvies to wear on the plane to Miami, FL, which was my home of record at the time. After that, I just got on with my education at Miami-Dade Community College then University of Florida and got on with my life.

I want to wish a Happy Veteran's Day to all my fellow servicemen. Enjoy your day.
I served with the USAF in Vietnam during Dec. 1967 - Dec. 1968 . When I came back in the first week of December to San Francisco, I didn't meet any of that vehemence. Perhaps it was because my plane came in from Alaska and not direct from Vietnam. I came back dressed in my tan 1505 uniform, got off the plane and immediately went to find and get on the bus to Travis AFB where my honorable discharge from service took place a few days later. I then had some civvies to wear on the plane to Miami, FL, which was my home of record at the time. After that, I just got on with my education at Miami-Dade Community College then University of Florida and got on with my life.

I want to wish a Happy Veteran's Day to all my fellow servicemen. Enjoy your day.

I still had 14 months to serve as I was a Regular Army when I came back. I was stationed with the Big Red One at Fort Riley, KS and decided to attend KSU in Manhattan, KS. I was working grave yard shift at the 207th MP Dt. My CO worked out a schedule for me. I remember one class in particular that no matter how hard I tried I could not get a passing grade on essays I wrote. I took a few of these to the post library to a MSGT I knew that was a contributing writer to the Stars and Stripes paper. He read them and just looked at me for long moment and said, "What can you expect from an ultra liberal professor. Your essays contradict everything he stands for." I took the essays to Pat Bosco who was the Director of Student Activities at the time. He told me he would handle it. I had to wear my uniform to class often as I had just come off shift and went straight to university. The next day the professor in my English class said he would not instruct as long as a "baby killer" was present. I waited a few moments and sauntered up to the podium where he stood. In a very low voice I told him it was true that I had just come from 'Nam and since he just "knew" we were baby killers, why I would I hesitate to take him out some dark night? He went on with the class. Bosco was as good as his word. I got an unexpected letter of apology and ended up with an A in English.
Too bad you ran into a jerk professor who let his political leanings interfere with his teaching. I hope Mr. Bosco was able to get him dismissed.
We never had much crap to put up with Ted.
In fact, after my first tour we received a very decent welcome home.
There were some unpleasant incidents in Sydney in the later years but that's just Sydney!
And my second and third tour returns were quiet, given my unit's 'invisible' profile we arrived at odd times and used quiet airfields.