VFA-305 Repaint Request


Charter Member
With the last batch of repaint's for the AF F/A-18 that came out recently I got to thinking that it would be nice to have one of VFA-305 Lobos birds done. There is one for the KBT Super Hornet but not for the AF F/A-18A. I spent a couple of years in that squadron loading ordnance on the birds until I got orders to China Lake. For reference pics there are a few on the VFA-305 Face Book page


I have a thing for flying the aircraft in FS that I worked on and when a paint for any squadron that I was around or in comes out I grab the file and add it to my collection. I bet I'm not the only one either.
Question about the AF F/18. Is there any way the nose cone can be fixed? It tapers up where the real one is virtually symmetrical down the conic axis. Otherwise this was the first payware aircraft I ever bought. I still am hooked on it but often get turned off by the up-snout look it has. My attempts to contact AF or affiliates have come to nought.
Aerial foundry does not exist anymore. I last emailed the owner (Dean Reimer) in 2007. We are probably going to have to live with the nose on the Hornet.