vid card


Charter Member
for my computer i would like to have a video card, but my power supply is not good enough. what i curently have is 300 wat one. i would to have the most powerfull i can get. on a websit called computer geeks i have seen 512 mb card for 30dolers, i want to get as cheeply as possable. we have two PCIe slot but they are diffrent sizes. any tips?
i would think any video card for 30 bucks probably ain't gonna do much for need to get one with a fan and upgrade your ram if possible and psu to 400 to 500 watts.

google pci-e to look at some different versions of the slot to see which one you have. the longer of the two slots is probably the one you need to use. i think my mother board has a pci-ex1 slot also but that is not the one for video cards.
Have you tried buying a used one on Ebay...that would be just about the cheapest you can go.