Video Card going south?


I'm starting to see a shadow just to the right of the aircraft in the spot view. In some cases I can see the shadow in buildings. The darker the paint, the more prominent the shadow. Also, the shadow is very prominent in the tower view. Any ideas....?

EDIT: I fixed it... I un-installed and re-installed the device driver and control panel software for the video card. The problem went away...

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I'm starting to see a shadow just to the right of the aircraft in the spot view. In some cases I can see the shadow in buildings. The darker the paint, the more prominent the shadow. Also, the shadow is very prominent in the tower view. Any ideas....?

EDIT: I fixed it... I un-installed and re-installed the device driver and control panel software for the video card. The problem went away...


I'm so happy you solved the issue, BB - hate you to go through my experiences last year.

Ooooooh, LOOKY HERE!:US-flag: :wavey:
Had a nasty little malware bit that snuck in under the wire and zapped both config files for my copy of the RealAir Spitfire and the CS C-130. After which I started getting errors with my anti-virus program. Got the anti-virus program back and got the system cleaned up for the most part. I'm prolly going to have to get support for the Windows Update program which has... once again come un-glued. Probably due to the issues with the malware problem. All seems well... for now. This is exactly the reason that my gaming machine, a Jetline PC (a rather pricey piece of hardware) is not connected to the internet.

Sometimes I absolutely abhor technology... :banghead:

BB686:US-flag: (Ha-ha, Nigel... Pinched me flag back!)