Vietnam war airfields and ai project

ian elliot

I thought i'd start a new post for this project for discussing any issues ideas and updates and to bring together all the packs that have been release so far and previews of whats to come, when i first posted the "looks interesting" thread, i was'nt at the time involved but things have snowball'd since then, Giuseppe has released the latest pack at Flightsim-----

FS2004 (ACOF) - FS2004 AI Flight PlansFS2004 Vietnam War AI Traffic Pack 5-366TW
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Size: 10,222,646 Date: 05-10-2014 Downloads: 44


FS2004 Vietnam War AI Traffic Pack 5-366TW. AI Traffic of 366th T.F.W. with McDonnell F-4D Phantom II and Convair F-102A Delta Dagger based on Danang Air Base during the Vietnam War. By Giuseppe Natalicchio, Ian Elliot.

But if your new to this project, you will first need to install---

and then install the update packs that include my scenery enhancements---

all from

I would like to make it clear that the original scenery is about 10 years old, and made with FSSC, ive done my best to make the ground polys and Afcads work, 95% successful i'd say, there are a few small areas where im getting bleed-through, FSSC generated taxiways dissapearing while taxiing, i hope this doesn't take away the enjoyment of this scenery.

cheers ian

This is an excellent project Ian and something that will bring back many memories to a lot of people who frequented those Phantom haunts in SEA during their tours.

There were a number of SEA airbase add-ons made for use in FS2002 I have been using in my FS Silver Wings 60 iteration that fit in well in FS2004. They cover Army and AF bases primarily, although Khe Sanh, a USMC airfield, is definitely included. I think their author was in the Army at the time and was stationed at many of these fields at various times. Do you think these AI aircraft, or the base pack, would conflict with that scenery?
Do you think these AI aircraft, or the base pack, would conflict with that scenery?

i might be wrong but i think the airfields you mention may be by the same designer as the airfield were adapting, George Knowles.
these are the airfields we are covering---some have been released, some are still in the pipeline,

Bien Hoa
Cam Ranh Bay
Nha Trang
Phan Rang
Phu Cat
Tra Noc
Dong Tac

We also have permission for a small update to Tan Son Nhut found within the Calclassic Indochina scenery by Mike Steven's, to accept F101 traffic

I haven't quite decided yet, but we may look at some of the major Thailand airbases also, but we'll get the Vietnam airfields out the way first
as long as the base's your using dont duplicate with the above you should be fine.

cheers ian
Ive been away for a few days, but the next installment has been released-----

FS2004 (ACOF) - FS2004 AI Flight PlansFS2004 Vietnam War AI Traffic Pack 6-14SOW
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Size: 5,764,047 Date: 05-23-2014 Downloads: 91


FS2004 Vietnam War AI Traffic Pack 6-14SOW. AI traffic of 14th S.O.W. with Douglas C-47 and AC-47, Cessna O-2, Fairchild AC-119 and Lockheed C-130E based on Nha Trang Air Base during the Vietnam War. By Giuseppe Natalicchio, Ian Elliot.


cheers ian