view point


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dont know if its called view point or eye point,but with my new setup im too close to the panel to see the top of the panel or even the gauges.but when using the " - " and the " = " keys i still dont go back far enough,if i remember right ( i prolly dont) you can change the setting somewhere in the .cfg in FSX,can it be changed in P3Dv4.1 ? and if
in the aircraft.cfg file, look for this entry.

eyepoint= -3.95, -0.85, 1.9 //(feet) longitudinal, lateral, vertical distance from reference datum

this one is from the default Cessna 172, which includes the instructions, as you see.

Helpful hint, if you assign a key to Aircraft reload, or Reload User Object in P3D, you can run your simulator, edit this entry, save the file,
press the reload key and see the change straight away.
Changing the eyepoint in Aircraft config:

First number moves the eyepoint fwd or backward. (higher numbers fwd)

Second number moves the eyepoint left or right of center (higher numbers right)

Third number moves the eyepoint up or down (higher numbers move up)
I love Chaseplane for that. Easy to configure and use, and you don't have to fumble around with the aircraft.cfg. Expecially on larger aircraft, with different crew stations.

I first set the eyepoint in the air.cfg to see most of the driver's side of the panel. However for precision landings - small fields or carrier traps - that's often no good. I find the magnification (+ and - keys) needs to be about at least 70% maybe more in P3D and in FSX was using 80 or 90% magnification. Otherwise, the perspective is too distorted - too distant - and the runway or carrier deck end will "sneak up" on you too fast at the last second and you will find yourself too high or low, etc.

On the other hand, increasing the % this way will cause you to lose sight of the critical airspeed and altitude gauges as you become too close or even over the dashboard, so I then move back, but for this by using the Crtl + Shift + return keys - which you can use to adjust the viewpoint in all three axis if you want, without changing the % magnification outside the cockpit.
That's the nice thing about Chaseplane. If you need a new or better view for a special situation like a carrier landing, you just add a new view while the sim is paused, adjust the camera visually with the controls / mouse until you feel it's right, and save it. I must add that I run Chaseplane on a second monitor, so I have the full P3D view on my main monitor. Later you can cycle to or directly access the special view when it's needed.

Everyone has so many different ways of doing things. I don't use the "=" or "-" keys to zoom in flight, my old
fingers don't have that much control. Instead I use spacebar+mousewheel, with the mousewheel clicker on. It does
about the same thing as the = and - keys, but I find it's much easier for me to use.

For temporarily moving and fixing the vc eyepoint in flight in v4, the old FSX keys still work: ctrl+enter to move forward,
ctrl+backspace to move back, and ctrl+space to reset. But any changes will reset when you end the flight. These and the
other eyepoint commands can be seen in flight in the Vehicle Checklist, under View Commands.

Going back to Daveroo's original post, about the default view being so close to the panel you can't even see the gauges, I
haven't come across a default view like that with any of the planes I have. In the v4 Settings under Display, there is a tickbox
for enabling/disabling widescreen. I find that enabling widescreen moves the eyepoint way back, more than I like actually. But
now I'm wondering if maybe you have some kind of special zoom view enabled in your monitor or video card control panel. Or
did you maybe set up your default flight with the panel accidentally zoomed in? I`ve done that and then wondered why everything
was so close.

I don't know if there's anything there that might help or not. - Rob
Going back to Daveroo's original post, about the default view being so close to the panel you can't even see the gauges, I
haven't come across a default view like that with any of the planes I have. In the v4 Settings under Display, there is a tickbox
for enabling/disabling widescreen. I find that enabling widescreen moves the eyepoint way back, more than I like actually. But
now I'm wondering if maybe you have some kind of special zoom view enabled in your monitor or video card control panel. Or
did you maybe set up your default flight with the panel accidentally zoomed in? I`ve done that and then wondered why everything
was so close.

I don't know if there's anything there that might help or not. - Rob

Rob,thank you,this is what i needed.thank you