Viewing damage boxes


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Is it possible to view a 3d model's damage boxes, so as to see the size and location of them. I think I understand that you can't just open and edit 3d model files because some people would rip them off (make sense to protect them in this way), but I would just like to see the damage boxes, is there a 'viewer' for this aspect at all?

You must create a shortcut for the cfs3.exe. Right click it and open Properties. You will see an editable field called Target with something like the following in it: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Combat Flight Simulator 3\cfs3.exe". Add " -m3dview" to the end as such "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Combat Flight Simulator 3\cfs3.exe" -m3dview

This shortcut will now open the model viewer, which allows you to look at damage boxes and other aspects of the aircraft.
View of the CFS3.exe shortcut after changing. Of course depends where your CFS3 install is and what it's called, This is Clive's BoB in D:



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@ChiefWH: as guys wrote, use the m3dview. just dont await you will be able to check damage boxes of any md3 file, some of them will crash / freeze the view tool when open.
Hmm, I get two windows, one says 'parameter editor for' across the top and allows me to select various things, seeeing tixk boxes etc. The other says 'Combat Flight Simulator 3' but is frozen/crashed.

I'm running it on campatability for XP, and have tried various aircraft from CFS3 but I can't see anything, any ideas?

(I have win7 SP1 64)
OK you should get 2 windows as below. Now some people have trouble with ETO installs but I don't.
The big blue window if course is where one sees the m3d file. The small window is where one choose the file to open + other activities. If one has more than onwe install, please note it will open ion the last accessed install, so one needs to note.


Under file - open chose your item and m3d to open


The m3d will then show in the large blue window, One has to click on the window to activate it. Then [ and ] for zoom, the 4 arrow keys for rotating, etc, and the num pad arrows for left right up down movement of the image. Clicking the boxes and collision boxes tabs in the small window will shoe the boxes as below. I should say it is a little temperamental, IMO!



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Yes, instead of a blue functioning window mine is black (my desktop colour!) or has parts of the other window glitched into it. Something is not loading right in that part. I do have CFS stock game, and WoTR installed, but am trying to access this from just CFS3 and ran it (CFS3) just before trying.

It's giving me a headache so I'll leave it for now.

Thanks anyway.