viewui zoom values

Old Tiger

Charter Member
:wavey: Hey guys does anyone remember how to set the viewui zoom values so as you can zoom in very close using the spot view. There was a posting here a while back on how to do it:isadizzy:can't locate it.

That was one of Clive's, using Frosty's post in the Knowledge Base sticky:- Zooming in close

:wavey:Hey guys seems I've forgot how to do this:icon_eek: Can anyone Can anybody steer me in the right direction:salute:?


Just as I've come to post this I noticed that Frosty has kindly posted the contents of the viewui.xml SDK document on the sticky knowledgebase thread. It's worth a look through and a play with as you can get some good results.

This is from the viewui.xml found in the cfs3 application data folder. Open it with notepad or whatever and add the entries in red to the spot view parameters. This enables you to zoom in with the [ ] keys and get right up Adolfs nose! When you close it make it read only and then stick it in your root cfs3 folder to make the changes stick.

<VirtualCockpitView FovScale="1.0" RotationRate="0.9" TranslationRate="0.5" VerticalLimit="0.3" LateralLimit="0.3" LightColor="255 50 50" DrawCockpit="true"/>
<SpotView ViewDist="100.0" ViewVerticalOffset="0.0" NominalAngles_x="3.0" NominalAngles_y="29.9999453584882" VerticalDelta="80.0" LateralDelta="80.0" ZoomDelta="10.0"
ZoomMin="0.1" ZoomMax="100.0"/>
<ChaseView ViewDist="20.0" ViewVerticalOffset="0.0" NominalAngles_x="3.0" NominalAngles_y="5.0" VerticalDelta="80.0" LateralDelta="80.0" ZoomDelta="10.0"/>
<FloatView ViewDist="5" ViewVerticalOffset="2.0" MaxTrackingOffset="30.0" HistoryTargetOffset="24" HistoryCameraOffset="48"/>
<FloatView ViewDist="5" ViewVerticalOffset="2.0" MaxTrackingOffset="30.0" HistoryTargetOffset="24" HistoryCameraOffset="48"/>
<FlybyView StartViewDist="400.0" StopViewDist="400.0" ViewOffsetVert="15.0" ViewOffsetHoriz="15.0"/>
<ObserverUI ForwardSpeed="50.0" LateralSpeed="50.0" VerticalSpeed="50.0" PitchSpeed="10.0" YawSpeed="20.0" JoyForwardScale="5.0" JoyLateralScale="5.0" JoyYawScale="5.0"/>
<PlayerTargetView OffsetDist="25.0" OffsetHeight="2.5" ZoomVal="0.8" ZoomRate="1.0" ZoomMin="0.1" ZoomMax="10.0"/>
<WeaponView ViewDist="20.0" ViewVerticalOffset="0.0" NominalAngles_x="3.0" NominalAngles_y="29.9999453584882" VerticalDelta="80.0" LateralDelta="80.0" ZoomDelta="10.0"/>
:wavey:OK I figured it out, cept this part "stick it in your root cfs3 folder to make the changes stick." :isadizzy:Overwrite?

:wavey:OK I figured it out, cept this part "stick it in your root cfs3 folder to make the changes stick." :isadizzy:Overwrite?


Um, I think there are a number of xml files which are overwritten by cfs3, in your Application Data pathway. Those files have a "default" version in your root cfs3 folder. Hence if you overrwrite the default version (perhaps rename/backup original first?) then any time cfs3 needs to revert to the default version it will still keep your changes. Files like campaign.xml, unlimited pilots.xml, the ones to do with keystrokes, and uisel.xml too i think (not at my cfs3 'puter). Save original as uisel_orig.xml then save a copy of your App Data version to the root folder.
