Vintage Polish War Birds


Retired SOH Admin
Again, I am giving a heads up on some CFS2 aircraft that work very well in FS2004 and that are worth having in one's hangar. This time, some nice Polish war birds. PZL P-24s. They are by Elias Korompilis and can be found here in the SOH CFS2 library and on He did the A, B, E, F and G models. Very well modeled, a bit shiny for my taste but that is an easy fix, VCs are decent (not up to current FS2004 standards, but beyond what you would normally find in a CFS2 native aircraft). He did updates of the F and G to FS2004, complete with VC rain effects...but I am sticking with the CFS2 MDLs as the are multi-LOD and have breaking parts...which come in handy with all the crashing I tend to do.

Ground handling is a bit wonky....the planes tend to bounce a good bit during taxiing, turning on the ground is not all that nice, but the planes are free and I am willing to over look a few "shortcomings".

I am using Lawdog's Gnone Rhone sound pack for the P-24s....with is the right engine for these updated versions of the P-11 (or should it be P.11?).

Would be nice if there were some Polish gauges to use in these planes, as they currently use a mish mash of US and Japanese WW2 gauges and what looks like the Curtiss Jenny turn indicator bubble level thingie.


Oh, for some more nice Polish Warbirds...check out K. Malinowski's PZL P-37 A and B ( and maybe in the CFS2 library here under user name Farmboy). Gmax modeled, multi-LOD. There is an updated flight dynamics set out there somewhere for them that take the shake out of their flight characteristics....I can't remember who the update is by or where I found it though...sorry.
IIRC there was a whole campaign made for CFS2, including the German attacks on Polish airfields?


I don't think that I could upload it without knowing who did the files and without his/her/their permission. I have the package in its original zip form, and there is no read me file included in it. The package name is Not sure if the package was done by a person named AW....Andrew Wai maybe? I can e-mail it to you if you'd like...just send me a PM with your e-mail address and I will shoot a copy of it to you. This flight dynamics update is for the A model only...though I use it on the B model as well....may not be accurate, but sure beats the pants off of flying an earth quake.

IIRC there was a whole campaign made for CFS2, including the German attacks on Polish airfields?




I do believe you are correct, though I have no clue as to who did the package or where to find it. I saw a package recently falled Fallz Weis 1939, or something like that, on a site that I happened across...can't remember what site though.
The CFS2 campaign in question is called 'Fall Weiss' which is the Poland campaign from the German perspective. It can be found here:
Of course if you want to take on Messerschmitts with obsolete gull winged fighter planes you may want to get this one: CFS2 Poland 1939:
The mission where you cross enemy lines, land, rescue the stranded pilot and try to get back alive is by far my favorite CFS2 mission ever. I've even used helicopters instead of the default Karas, put on 'Fortunate Son' by CCR and just got immersed in it. If you want a real challenge try it with an unarmed aircraft.
OBIO, I found those PZL gauges you alluded to as well on And yes, Elias' P-24s absolutely rock. brakes are a little touchy but once in the air--WOW. Anyway here are those gauges:
FS98 - FS98 Gauges FS98 gauge--PZL Instruments Pack
[SIZE=-1][ Download | View ] [/SIZE]
Name: Size: 535,293 Date: 07-25-2000 Downloads: 948
FS98 gauge--PZL Instruments Pack (part two) v1.0. This is second part of a project to make all instruments that PZL offers. In this archive you will find all airspeed indicators that comes from PZL factory. By Lukasz Kuligowski - Fox Instruments.[/SIZE]
FS98 - FS98 Gauges FS98 gauge--PZL Instruments Pack
[SIZE=-1][ Download | View ] [/SIZE]
Name: Size: 359,556 Date: 07-11-2000 Downloads: 1,160
FS98 gauge--PZL Instruments Pack (part one) v1.0. This is first part of a project to make all instruments that PZL offers. In this archive you will find all vertical speed indicators that comes from the PZL factory. By Lukasz Kuligowski - Fox Instruments.[/SIZE]

Addendum: took out the P-24b from storage and revised the brake parameters as they seemed way too touchy. Also added differential braking as well. As for that rear end bounce I think that may be a contact point issue. Took the P-24 out for a spin around the patch. Kind of hard getting it off the ground; may need trim adjustment for that or maybe FDE from the fs-2004-ready PZL's perhaps. On landing even the revised braking proved too touchy (or maybe it was my own ham-handed approach--that's probably it as the ground handling has been much improved). Still a work in process; will keep y'all updated.
That is Sparks site for sure, and it is the same package. Sure makes the P.37s fly nice and sweet.

... P-11 (or should it be P.11?)...

I think it should be P.11 rather than P-11.

I believe the general rule is that the Americans and the Russians have used the hyphen (e.g., F-86, MiG-15, DH-4B, etc.) where the Europeans have used the period (e.g., DH.4, P.11, Bf.109, etc.)

Thanks for the HU on the Polish planes!

I actually beleive that the Luftwaffe was using the hyphen (Bf-109, He-111) and I cannot recall the use of the period in russian planes. The only one to surely use the period are the British.

Best regards,