Virtavia A-4E Skyhawk released

I see that SimMarket now has an installer app, has anyone used it?

Up to this point I have been trying to limit the places I have purchased add-ons for MSFS to try to keep better control on things. Limiting myself to the instore marketplace and ORBX, but how does the SimMarket tool compare?
The SimMarket tool works fine for me. I didn't love it at first because I was so used to just copying everything over myself, but I can't really complain about it at this point. It makes installing and updating easy, even if it is a type of DRM-lite which I usually don't like. Orbx is nicer as it does let you specify whether you want to use the actual game folder or an external folder (which I prefer for easier troubleshooting.) SimMarket's may let you do that, I haven't tinkered much with it. It does give you update notifications which is nice, so I pop it open every few days to see if anything's updated (or when I get an email.)
There's really no DRM at all. Once the package is installed, you're free to rename the outer folder to suit your needs. All of my Community folder packages are prefixed with what they are (Aircraft, Airport, etc.) and most have a version number for a suffix. The SM and Orbx apps still read the json information inside to register that you have the latest versions or need an update.
Long time buyer of Virtavia products here...and at this point, I'm utterly unimpressed. Tried a takeoff from KSLI in daylight with half flaps, and as the aircraft passed through 80-90kts, it tipped over onto the runway. Tried it three times, and it happened the same each time. Also....noticed in the manual that the speedbrakes are animated, but apparently don't increase drag ("retardation" as the manual terms it) when deployed, claiming that MSFS doesn't support that (yet speedbrake functionality works fine on the SSW G91, F-104, TF-104, Dino's airplanes, etc.). Hoping Phil gets this sorted and a patch out to at least make this one usable...and adds a paint kit. Very surprised he would let it go out the door like this...

I agree with Kent, I'm experiencing the same problems. Although, to be fair, the last update messed up a lot of my settings, so I'll have to go over all of them.

Also, the different models with loadouts seem very FS9 to me, it would have been nice to be able to select them


Looks and seems like a basic port of the FSX-era model? Is that right?

A bit concerning to hear that they are falsely claiming that speed brakes and the like don’t function. Have these issues been reported to the company directly and has a response been received?

I was interested prior to these revelations…
Good that Virtavia are working through their catalogue as they have several interesting ones in there that no one else is likely to make, but the Stirling still displays comedy handling at times and this one sounds the same so I'll hold back until they fix it...
@SeanTK, you might say that the same source code was used. The model format and textures all seem to be in native format. But the texture quality isn't up to the current standards. I'm hoping that this thing will be patched (flight model wise) and that the many talented repainters will provide decent textures.

Like John/Jmig, I love the scooter. Not giving up on this one just yet!

Was dino working to bring his Scooters to the new sim?


Noddy, as usual, your shots are epic! So I will give you this: she looks damn good. Just in dire need of new clothes!

@Cees Donker: it's not a portover in the classic sense of the word. The model is native MSFS, so are the textures.

In fact my only gripes with it are: textures that aren't up to current standards and a flight model that is even below that.

BUT: she's a looker, and if you succeed in getting her up in the air, a delight to fly.


I’m a huge A-4 fan. Sad the flight model isn’t up to snuff… I can deal with less than breathtaking textures if it feels like flying a Scooter. Hope he updates the FM.

If they’re a Blue Angels paint!job?
If it's just a port over then the textures from the FSX release should work here. Free to try.
And those left out from the FSX version as well (I notice mine were excluded).

My Alphasim/Virtavia repaints.