Virtavia Handley-Page Hampden for MSFS released


At Simmarket, 18.75 EUR (+ VAT where applicable):

From the pictures, the VC looks like it was worked on, but the external textures are ported over FSX.
I rather liked the Hampden in FSX, so I might get it if there's ever a sale. The new VC is a vast improvement over the original - something in my water tells me it is the work of Mike at Flight Replicas.
After the Skyhawk and the B-1B, I'll wait for comments on the flightmodel. And the external modeling doesn't seem "WOW" at all.

After the Skyhawk and the B-1B, I'll wait for comments on the flightmodel. And the external modeling doesn't seem "WOW" at all.


From what I can remember, the FSX Hampden was rather well modelled externally, and no doubt it's the same one for MSFS. It also flew quite well. I think a bit of work's been done around the prop hub, which is welcome. The new cockpit is excellent - that's what'll sell it to me this time. Never seen such a good one in an Alphasim/Virtavia model. Plus I love the early RAF stuff.
Looking at the lines on the nose I'd say this is at least an update from the old Fs2004/FsX model, if not a completely new model. Textures look a little flat but the cockpit is great!
The manual states its based on the X-Plane model, which was based on the FSX model, but has been enhanced throughout. Totally new cockpit that's up to MSFS standards.

Haven’t had a ton of time with it yet, but so far it feels nice for the $20! Some initial impressions:

  • The cockpit is all new and has excellent detail and texturing
  • Sound is the best yet for Virtavia. Full Wwise, and sounds good across the range from idle to full power (much, much better there than the Tigercat, which sounds wrong at flight idle.)
  • Not only different liveries, but lots of other details as well such as wing slats, antennae, and armament vary depending on the model/country being flown.
  • Flight model feels good and right. Ground handling is appropriate for a medium-sized taildragger, and the plane’s acceleration, roll rate, etc. feel authentic for a plane of its class/power. I haven’t done extensive flight testing yet, but so far, no weirdness and it feels convincing.
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I knew this one was coming eventually. The VC was done some time ago for XP. For some reason, I like this airplane, hehe. It is downloading as I type this. I can give an overview of the flight model. If it needs work, I'll make a mod for it. More later, after I play with it. The download is only 232 MB, which is nice.
I think I'll get the Hampden. The video below shows it off nicely, and appropriately at Old Warden. The only slight issue is the engine sounds - they sound a bit snarly and buzzy for Bristol Pegasus motors. Obviously I've never seen a Hampden fly, but I don't think the sounds would be very much different from the airworthy Blenheim's Bristol Mercuries. That small gripe aside, a very nice piece of work by the look of it.

I like it, it is one of those wonderful and weird aircraft that only Virtavia will bring us. Thank you!
Studylevel? Certainly not, but fun to fly, and it looks nice enough to my eyes. Nice sounds too, although I do feel the negines start to idle a bit quickly when throtteling down.
Possibly the narrowest fuselage ever:

SE-APD (00002) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr

Here's the last Hampden to fly, in 1947, and as far as I can tell, the only one ever on a civil register, with SAAB

SE-APD (00005) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr

SE-APD (00004) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr

SE-APD (00008) by JanKees Blom, on Flickr
Jan Kees, in your screenshots of SE-APD, the registration letters are displaying as an aqua blue/green color. In one profile I've seen, the letters are supposed to be white (or "off-white"). Just making sure you note this.