Visiting air museums - The Photos

Hi Beau

Don't worry about the quality of your photo's as thanks to their subject they are all very good LOL :applause::applause:
Thanks for sharing

Cheers :ernae: and have always good flying
Cris "Astore"
I make no apologies about the quality of the photography

Nonsense, they look ok to me Jeff! :applause: Thanks for sharing them.
I must make an effort and get up there sometime, looks amazing.

Seems funny having a Phantom in a museum..I must be getting old.
Great pictures that brought back some memories of my trip there 3 years ago. I have a picture of the Avenger that must have been taken from almost the same spot.

"Seems funny having a Phantom in a museum..I must be getting old."

Not nearly as old as I felt Pat when I found an F-105D in the restoration hangar. It was at Tahkli Thailand in 1970 when I was sationed there.