Vista Cfs3

Well mine.............

runs a couple of second and chokes. It is very frustrating. I finally got a computor hfast enough to run CFS3 and it won't work.
Moon, I don't have Vista, but I know CFS3 does work with it, but not online.
The add-on OFF will work online.

CFS3 with with Vista must be run (or loaded?) under the Administrator account.
try running as administrator and set compatability to win XP as well, fingers crossed that should do the trick.
Try the run as administrator trick noted above although I've never had a problem with CFS3 and Vista, per se, which prevented the game from running.
CFS3 vista online

cfs3 is running good on my vista business. But ist is not possible (for me!) to plat multiplayer via private network. Need help ! :banghead::icon31:Don't let me die stupid !
CFS3 / Vista on line

cfs3 is running good on my vista business. But ist is not possible (for me!) to plat multiplayer via private network. Need help ! :banghead::icon31:Don't let me die stupid !

Hi Spidermike
As Fire Storm II previously post, You can not join on-line game if You run CFS3 under Vista.
It was not clear why but the only CFS3 related sim which is possible to play on-line also under Vista is OFF (Over Flanders Fields) and nobody till now get the solution.
If You want to fly on-line You must run CFS3 or its expansions (except OFF of course) under XP
Cheers :ernae: and have always good flying
We got it !
It works! Thanks to you all for this terrific website !