VISTA Multiplaying for OFF PHASE 3



At the present, I could not get VISTA to work for multiplaying... It has given me the old 'aircraft mismatch error' again. I was hoping that OFF PHASE 3 would had come with a new renamed main execution file, like Shell.exe, as in PHASE 2. Unfortunately, this was not the case (for now). So, I couldn't wait any longer...

Here's a simple trick to make it work on VISTA!!

It relies on the same principle that I had used in making the original Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator 3 worked without the Shell.exe---this file is no longer needed now!!!!...

See also:

This applies for both Windows XP and Windows VISTA users!!!!!

Please read carefully...

Before proceeding to a multiplaying section below, make sure you have run the regular shortcut Over Flanders Fields (OFFManager) once. You may need to create and enlist a new pilot in order to select the Multi Player below, which is neccessary. WWI Initialising.... will eventually appear after you have made this selection (Multi Player). Once you have reached the screen with the Multiplayer selection (which should appear on the left side of the screen below the Missions selection), you can then exit OFF. From this point, you are set to continue below.

For those who's running a host server under Windows XP:

Make a shortcut on your desktop to browse for the CFS3.exe under your OFF folder (example: C:\OBDSoftware\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields).

To host, simply click on this shortcut and wait for the Multiplayer selection after WWI Initialising....

For those who's running a host server or joining a server under Windows VISTA:

Copy the CFS3.exe from your OFF folder (example: C:\OBDSoftware\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields) and paste it into a different folder. Under this different folder, rename this CFS3.exe (by right-clicking the mouse button to select 'Rename') into whatever name you choose--like CFS3mp.exe, CFS3vista.exe, vistaCFS3.exe, etc..

Suppose, you renamed it CFS3mp.exe. Now, cut this new CFS3mp.exe back into the main OFF folder (example: C:\OBDSoftware\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields).

Next, make a shortcut on your desktop to browse for the CFS3mp.exe under your OFF folder. Once the shortcut is created, right-click the mouse button on the shortcut to bring up the 'Properties'. Click on 'Properties'. Select the tab, 'Compatibility', and then check 'Run this program in compatibility mode for: Windows XP (Service Pack 2)' under Compatibility mode.

Try that---join a mutiplaying server or host a server by selecting Multiplayer selection after WWI Initialising....
If OFF doesn't start correctly, try running it as an administrator either by:

1) Right-clicking the shortcut icon again and choose 'Run as adminstrator'
2) Check 'Run this program as an adminstrator' under Privilege Level which is also located under the tab, 'Compatibility', in 'Properties'.

That's it!


looks like your proceedure is pretty much the same as pd's

but,,i cant join your game,,,,it just sits at connect...

lol...but crankpin just told me he got in