Vive la France! Amiot 143M bomber is available!


Hi Folks,
Been working on lots of projects, it's winter you know!, and this one is nearly there, just being tested, and few bits to do.

It's based on an IL-2 model, which was based on Paul Clawson's Amiot, further detailed, a new VC, animations and versions etc.




  • Amiot 143M 1.jpg
    Amiot 143M 1.jpg
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Its an ugly plane, but a beautiful model. As we now know how it all ended, we can hardly understand that people once believed in aircraft like this.......



I'm using an older but serviceable version for the Battle of France that UncleTgt cleaned up for me. It looks like after the campaign package's release, I'll be making an upgrade! :encouragement:
The French have made the most ugly planes, so much so, that they become quite cute, in a French kind of way!
It looks like a flying ... something or other, anyway not an airplane within the usual meaning of the term. :dizzy:

Anyway, I love it! :adoration:

But I can see why la France didn't exactly Vive with an air force full of these!
It looks more like a flying Pullman railway carriage, im imagining a cocktail bar, a guy in a bow tie serving drinks and a piano in the corner, anything but a warplane. Looking forward to flying it though :encouragement:
Aircraft like this, the Farman F.222.2 and the Bloch MB.200 were all product from the modernisation projects from the late 20-ties and early 30-ties. They were already obsolete when the war began. But France had nice looking aircraft as well I think the LeO.451 was nice looking aircraft and quite modern at the start of the war. The Dewoitine D.520 is also a quite neat looking aircraft. But as France couldn't produce enough aircraft for a second modernisation run, they went abroad for aircraft like the Boston, Maryland, Curtiss H75 Hawk,....... they even bought the Koolhoven FK.58!

Top of the plane looks like a normal bomber, then you look underneath and you see that gondola that looks like it belongs on an airship. :biggrin-new: But still a cool plane... and I like those huge wheel pants.
Top of the plane looks like a normal bomber, then you look underneath and you see that gondola that looks like it belongs on an airship. :biggrin-new: But still a cool plane... and I like those huge wheel pants.
Or the gondola looks like a sun porch on a Victorian home! Definitely trying this in FSX to see how it works as I like the unusual!
My thoughts as well.:encouragement:

If I believe the US models of the 30s, I am not sure that your comments are devoid of misplaced chauvinism.
For me, the B26 peashooter is the symbol of ugliness. You only have to compare it to the contemporary French Dewoitine D500.
The Amiot 143 is in the aesthetic standard of the 30s, not as ugly as its British or US contemporaries. You lack references.
I could quote some contemporaries to the Amiot 143 if you want!

Vive la France! Amiot 143M bomber nearly ready..

Oula Gaston, du calme,
faut admettre que il ne manque que l inscription "campagnie des Wagon Lits"
ou "Wagon Bar SNCF".
These comments should not be to make you upset.
We all know that in every country there have been planes with a look to be discutable.
When I look on my german side aie aie il y en a pas mal aussi.
On the other side we all now about some french planes which where realy fine and real beauties.
And those who are interested in history know that in france after the declaration of war the unions did declare strike
which blocked completely the french war production in a crucial moment. That having as effect that new and modern planes did not came to the fighting units.
Alors, il n y avait rien de chauvin dans ces commentaires chers Gaston
Prenez un bon whisky (il y en a du tres bon breton) and keep on laughing
We all honore the french pilots who did fight very courageous

I posted that with a smile. :biggrin-new:

Ask any of my FS friends, they will all tell you how much I like the French designs of the 1930's. The Couzinets are some of my favorites!

Just recently I was wishing for one of these French beauties:

And here I am piloting a Farman F223.4 on a 9.5 hour flight for an event hosted over at Flightsim a couple of years ago:


Shessi- Sorry for the diversion. Looking forward to the Amiot.

If I believe the US models of the 30s, I am not sure that your comments are devoid of misplaced chauvinism.
For me, the B26 peashooter is the symbol of ugliness. You only have to compare it to the contemporary French Dewoitine D500.
The Amiot 143 is in the aesthetic standard of the 30s, not as ugly as its British or US contemporaries. You lack references.
I could quote some contemporaries to the Amiot 143 if you want!

Sorry, I'm a little tired of the usual French bashing. Do not think that the French bombing consisted mainly of these obsolete planes. Only about fifty were in service for the night bombing and painted black. The legend of the Amiot 143 comes from the day attack on German ships bridges on the river Meuse near Sedan around May 18, 1940. I think I read that only 4 planes attacked the objective. One was shot down by the Flak. The French day bombardment mainly included Breguet 691 to 695, Lioré et Olivier Léo 451, a few number of Amiot 354 and from May 1940 a quite big number of US Martin 167F (Glenn for the French, Maryland for RAF) and Douglas DB7 equipment. To this is added the equipment of the Naval Aviation Loire-Nieuport 401 and 411 as well as Vought 156F (Vindicator). This Amiot 143 attack is not emblematic of the Battle of France, it is rather a particular sign of the misuse of these obsolete machines, mainly intended for transport with Potez 540. The Amiot 143 bombing squadrons had to be equipped with Léo 451 at the earliest.
No worries JMC, and thanks for the history lesson!

The Lioré et Olivier Léo 451...that is another one I really wish we had updated for FS2004/FSX.
That would be nice, although I prefer an updated version of the Dewoitine D.520. I still fly the old model by Jean-Marie Mermaz, which seems to has a timeless external model, but could use an update in the cockpit area....

Who knows what will happen when Shessi reads the thread behind the link below...... :biggrin-new:

and some images of the IL2 cockpit....

But as I am still quite some models behind, no need to hurry :biggrin-new: :biggrin-new: And I even need to explore France with Amiot first!

Amiot 143M cockpit

Cher Gaston,
afin d' honorer les avions francais et leur pilotes comme il convient,
vous pouvez peut-être nous aider;
on a du grand mal de trouver de la documentation et des photos des avions francais
de cette epoque.
Il est plus facile de trouver des manuels officiels d' avions allemands ou alliés ou des photos des cockpits
que concernant des avions francais de l époque 1933 - 1945.
Alors si vous pouvez nous faire parvenir du matériel pour faire des beaux cockpits, on serait enchanté de donner
des beaux cockpits aux avions francais comme cela serait desirable -mais sans doc - - -
Amicalement et respectueusement

Bonne question! C'est difficile de trouver de la documentation sur les avions français de cette époque. Il y eut pas mal de publications de la série "Docavia" et d'autres revues spécialisées, malheureusement aujourd'hui introuvables ou difficiles à trouver. Des ouvrages assez complets ont été fait sur les D520, MS406, Bloch 152, Amiot 143 (je le possède) mais ils sont chers et pas toujours orientés vers les développeurs FS.

Quasiment rien sur internet si ce n'est de parcourir la Bibliothèque de France (Gallica) qui a des exemplaires des revues aéronautiques de l'époque numérisés. La seule solution est de se rendre au Musée de l'air et de l'espace (Le Bourget) mais c'est à 800 km de chez moi. Les copies de documents sont payantes.

Enfin pour rajouter des difficultés, il faut se souvenir que les Allemands ont littéralement asservi l'industrie aéronautique Française suite à l'invasion en novembre 1942 de la zone libre après la rupture de l'armistice de 1940 et pratiqué la politique de la "terre brulée" lors de leur retraite en 1944. Peu de documents ont pu être récupérés et pas trop recherchés pour du matériel qui était devenu obsolète.

Good question! It is difficult to find documentation on French aircraft of that time. There were quite a few publications from the "Docavia" series and other specialized periodicals, unfortunately nowhere to be found or difficult to find. Quite complete works have been done on the D520, MS406, Bloch 152, Amiot 143 (I own it) but they are expensive and not always oriented towards FS developers.

Almost nothing on the internet except to browse the Library of France (Gallica) which has copies of aeronautical journals of the time digitized. The only solution is to go to the Air and Space Museum (Le Bourget) but it is 800 km from my home. Copies of documents are chargeable.

Finally to add difficulties, we must remember that the Germans literally enslaved the French aeronautical industry following the invasion in November 1942 of the free zone after the rupture of the armistice of 1940 and practiced the policy of "land burned " during their retirement in 1944. Few documents were able to be recovered and not too much sought after for material which had become obsolete.


PS: J'ai moi même deux modèles interrompus pour cause de recherche de documentation cockpit.

I have myself 2 models waiting for cockpit documentation




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