VonOben's scenery with Stock CFS3?


Charter Member
Hi all,

I found VonOben's fantastic 7 Season scenery and I was wondering if there's any way I can copy over the files from that over to the stock CFS3.

Is there a way I can use VonOben's scenery with the default CFS3 since I can't get ETO to install?

I've got Winding Man's Scenery Manager Version 4.6.6 installed without any problems.

Also, does anyone know of a way I can set up the era swapper and the Global_Layer swapper?

Take care and thanks,

It might be possible, but you have to check all dds-files against the stock files and rename if necessarry.

Wouldn't it be easier to try solving your ETO installation problem?
Hi VonOben,

Believe me, I tried :icon_lol:

So, I did the next best thing. The make ETO 1.0 Batch file wouldn't run. I tried everything. Turning off my anti-virus, firewall, you name it, I tried it.

Tomorrow, after my birthday celebrations I'm going to tweak the assets files for your scenery files.

I figured out how I'm going to do it, just need to put that plan into action. I guess taking a computer science course in high school paid off eventually.
Ok, strange about the ETO installation not working.
Have you asked about help here at the forum?
Here are a lot of knowledge and a bunch of very kind and helpful people! :icon_lol:

Good luck with the scenery adaptation for stock CFS3 !

Ok, strange about the ETO installation not working.
Have you asked about help here at the forum?
Here are a lot of knowledge and a bunch of very kind and helpful people! :icon_lol:

Good luck with the scenery adaptation for stock CFS3 !


Thanks, VonOben!

The .bat file wouldn't run and I posted here and no one seemed to know why.

I've always loved coming here for help as everyone is so kind and helpful.

And I get some great tips too!

Take care,

Thanks, VonOben!

The .bat file wouldn't run and I posted here and no one seemed to know why.

I've always loved coming here for help as everyone is so kind and helpful.

And I get some great tips too!

Take care,


Hi Chris

So the problem is the bat file that makes a copy of your default CFS3 installation?

Is it possible to continue the installation if the bat file doesn't run?

If it is then you could first make a copy of your default CFS3 installation manually and then run the installer pointing it to the newly created "CFS3 ETO Expansion" folder.

Good idea Per. The bat file doesn't contain any ETO files so it could possibly be bypassed.
Hi Gecko and VonOben

I tried that and it seems to work just fine.

When I get a chance, I'll re-install ETO 1.2 and 1.4, probably won't be for a few days yet.

Then, I'll get my Battle of Britain missions finished.

Take care,
