VOZ 1.8 Released!

Could some some put some screenshots of norfolk island and lord howe island?
Im surprised and delighted this came out because I thought Koorby and his team were only supporting FSX. I'm a huge fan of VOZ; being based in New Zealand it's my neighbour and a great place to fly when the weather's s*** here - which is often :mixedsmi:
Going to get it now...

.........thanks JAEKAY

...............brilliant as ever

.i usually DO buy mine on discs 6 bucks aud from FLIGHSIM STORE with needed mesh, supporting Angel Flight Australia,
........................(598 MB is a big dowload)

..................VIVA VOZ
Hey Ted, thanks for the kind words but I am not a designer, I just 'Facilitate' people to create on my websites I will relay the kind words to the team though :) :)
I just installed this last night and the AI pack and also got the Andy Weir mesh and it all installed without a hitch and is absolutely beautiful. Thanks a million,Jay. middle