VRS F/A-18E Superbug


Charter Member
Hi All,

Anyone using this VRS F/A-18E Superbug model on the FS9?

Yes? How to install?

I bought it back in 2010, the author says it can't be used on FS9 anymore...

Thank you,
Yep, got the same message when i bought a year or 2 ago. got my money back, such a shame :/
I actually had an illegal version of it many years ago and it worked perfectly, but when i had a HD crash i bought it and it never worked. Such a shame, but maybe it was the karma gods
Blimey!..Covid-19 and a now a VRS18 Superbug....eeeekkkk...I'm running for the hills...........:onthego:


I just tried to install it on Win 10. It was fairly ugly throwing lots of exceptions during the install. I ran the installer as admin if that helps. I had an install code/reg key from VRS from an earlier attempt and was able to get it installed but nothing seemed to work right. the aircraft configurator was just broken. I couldn't configure anything and it just was broken across the board. I was able to start fs9 and start up the Super Bug. It started with some default loadout with HARMs and GBUs but it all worked rather poorly. As an alternate I do recommend the Aerialfoundry F/A-18C/D; not the same but it flys well and has lots of repaints.
