VRS FA-18 reinstall


Me again! I've managed to move my FS9 install over to my WIN 7 OS after lots of great tips and info here and other places. So far, with only a few exceptions, everything seems to be working.

Now then, the VRS Superbug and the ACES installer moved over OK. The aircraft shows up and all clickable stuff works as advertised. I can successfully build and save load outs and fuel, select textures, and I can go completely through a cold and dark startup without a bump.

HOWEVER, the FCS will not activate! I follow the FCS reset procedures, there are no cautions or errors on the MFDs. After initial power up, which by default gives and FCS warning, the required FCS reset causes the warning to cease and the FCS notation to extinguish on the MFD, all which is SOP. But, No matter what I try I cannot get my HOTAS stick or throttle to engage. Interestingly enough, all of the programmed buttons Abdul hats work! Just not ht e axis controls.

Is this the indication that a reinstall is necessary or am I missing something? BTW... No problems with my controllers and other aircraft I've a tried so far, including payware or freeware.
