P3D_V4 VRS Tackpack for p3dv4.5 hf3 BETA is released


Charter Member
VRS Tackpack for p3dv4.5 hf3 BETA is released: https://forums.vrsimulations.com/forums/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=16244

  • (6/10/20 - public beta for all platforms)
    • [NEW] Add support for P3D v4.5 hotfix 3
    • [NEW] Add support for Steam beta (63003), which seems to be being used by MS for telemetry for upcoming MSFS2020
    • [NEW] Finish ACMI2 exporter, remove old ACMI, rename ACMI2->ACMI
    • [NEW] Added Inhibit [Debris Objects|Dead Aircraft Effects|Damaged Aircraft Effects] host-enforced options to TPM Flight Options pane. These will each reduce the number of SimOjects in MP sessions when disabled, possibly increasing performance.
    • [FIX] TPM carrier and tanker numeric input fields should now properly update AFTER leaving the fields (e.g. pressing tab), rather than updating in real time, which was causing all sorts of laggy and annoying issues trying to input values in the last TP

The Superbug has also been updated to BETA too and now is p3dv4.5 hf3 compliant.