W45_Tuskeegee Missions


Charter Member
Spent the weekend working on a project I really wanted to do, I've got some
"Tuskeegee" squadron missions. I started the squadron out of Salerno. These have been built on the stock map in Italy and just using what looked good out of the stock facility and vehicle folders.

Dont expect a huge build or perfection in it, it was mainly for simple fun.


Enjoy! :ernae:
This is "Stock-Game" with certain add-on aircraft,(which you will have to find either here or AV History).
I try to download , I have this window but I wait, and wait, ...

BTW very nice music ....
Go to the right side where the little arrow is,(below menu) click that then choose download. Its a weird
deal,when you first scroll down,takes a moment for the contents to appear. If any one else is having
difficulties,send me an e-mail I'll get it to you.
i loaded all and had to change one of the plane versions ...the p40 edited to the eto version ...all owrks fine , after each mission , there is a pop up saying missions dont work but thats a glitch i by pass they nwork in eto once edited on the plane
I made more tries and I found that I cannot download the W45_Tusk I & II .
I can download ALL the others.

Thanks in advance.

I retried and this time the download is OK.... that's computer science ...
I found that the flak explosions are like white squares on my CFS3 system.
Tuskeegee I "Grapes Of Wrath"
Tuskeegee II "Hitting Command"

Thanks in advance

PS the download problem is solved.
emile you need the avh preload file.i don't remmember what it was contained in but you get it at av history site.


I have that one installed , it was called the : AvH_Full_preload_041708
I will check with an anther mission if I have the same Flak explosions
I made a test with an other mission = same result, I reinstalled the original Preload.xml , it's the same result.
Is there an other solution?
Thanks in advance