Wanaka NZ


Charter Member
A series of shots with the Wozza Stang and Realnz Wanaka..was looking at some texturing and AI tweaks Charl (*****) sent me and they looked so good I decided to take some pics.....








They look great!! I was considering the Real New Zealand stuff....saw it on sale on their site. This may help make up my mind....:ernae:
Paul you really have that rig set up nicely! :applause:
That plane looks quite at home there...

Couldn't see, are the Yaks in that bunch of parked AI too?
Thanks guys..yep the RealNZ stuff is great..I have all their FS9 scenery ..if you get one scenery from them I suggest the FS9/FSX (this one came out orginally for both sims) Marlborough package..its the best one IMO. It looks great in both sims. I also have the FSX and FS9 Tauranga/Rotorua packages but I think I like it better in FS9..also have the FSX Wanaka on order which will make an interesting comparison to the above...but I think that wil be it for FSX scenery for me for now as FS9 runs smoother on my rig and I have nearly got it as perfect as I can. If you like busier and bigger airports with some airliner traffic the RealNZ Wellington is nice.

Other addons you can see in these shots include Charl's (Wing_z) GNZLAP AI, the RBE 20m mesh and topo (you really need this or the freeware 75m mesh if you are getting any RealNZ scenery), Zinerteck world enviroment and real world weather through Active Sky.

Charl..dont have the Yaks..how do you get those into your AI???
The entire NZ Nanchang/Yak 52 fleet was painted up for AI using Mike Cronin's AI model.
I think FSX burst on the scene at the time and I got distracted.
I'll have to have a little rummage, I know they appeared somewhere...no NZ airshow would be complete without 'em.
Great Screens Paul , I jump a ride on the Pionair Adventures DC-3 for your show :kilroy: , looking forward to see the Nanchang/Yak 52 display :jump:

must run :running: and grab my seat ...... GOLD PASS