Wanted, A used Motherboard


Charter Member 09
I have 70 CDs of FS 2004 filled with airplanes and scenery. All held in a firm plastic case. I would like to trade it for a used Motherboard with a CPU. Or maybe an old Graphics card with some memory. I'm trying to fix up a computer for my daughter and being on Social Security makes money a scarce item. Anybody interested?
If I had one, I'd ship it to you for nothing, but my last desktop went tango uniform in a bad way. I stripped out things like fans and the cooler, destroyed the hard drives, then tossed the rest into a dumpster.
I just parted out an older machine the other day... the mobo went "mustang" but everything else was fine including the CPU.

Social Insecurity

I too am afflicted by retirement and SSA (am 74 yrs) so I know what you mean. How powerful a rig do you have in mind? I have a P4, 3.2 Ghz, with a P4-M80-M4 motherboard that was working good before I went with a new i7 rig. It's just sitting there collecting dust. There is some ram installed (dual channel). Video card would have to be AGP that when paired with a LED flat monitor would be good (ie: for reading text). Ran FSX at 22 fps and smooth. Hyper threading, too. Would go good with Windows XP. I will post a pic later today. I live in California. I can remove the parts from the case (I imagine you have a case and power supply) and pack them up for UPS or USPS. No problemo.
Chuck B
I've just retired my kids Dell 1800 Inspiron. I think it was new about 7 years ago? It was bought top of the line back then and ran great up to a month ago when it was turned off. It couldn't keep up with the times having 1G RAM and effectively not upgradable to work with Windows 7. I can check the vid card if you're interested but I'd guess the mobo is useless, HD should be good too.You can PM me if you want.
I have a Gigabyte 970-D3 and an AMD 970BE. Neither have been used, just residing in their respective boxes and gathering dust. I had intended to build a new rig, but made the move to Intel so these two items have been in a closet for two years.


BTW, I do not want anything in return. They just need a good home.