Warbirdsim P-51D Mustang Boo-Man Choo

Warbirdsim P-51D Mustang Boo-Man Choo 2024-06-23

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falcon409 submitted a new resource:

Warbirdsim P-51D Mustang Boo-Man Choo - WWII Liveries

View attachment 141334

A repaint only for the payware Warbirdsim product 'Mustang Tales'. This repaint depicts the restored P-51D-25-NT 45-11391, "Boo-Man Choo", registered N51MV. This aircraft has a long civilian history, having been first registered with the FAA in 1963. In the 1990's, this aircraft became a popular sight when owned by Wally Sanders and painted as "Nervous Energy IV", and could sometimes be seen flown by the late, great Jeff Ethell. In the years since, the...

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