Warbirsim P-51B-7-NA 'Beantown Banshee'


Charter Member 2014
North American P-51B-7-NA (NA.104), #43-6833, FT-O, 'Beantown Banshee', flown by Cpt Felix M. Rogers, 353rd FS/354th FG, Ninth Air Force.
View attachment 71600 View attachment 71601

Uploaded exclusively on SOH. Search for Eps_P-51BFL_BeanTown.zip

Best regards,


PS: Albert, you can post it on your site if you want...;)
Thanks a lot, guys...:ernae:
It's very easy to make some good stuff with a great painkit like this one.


To celebrate this first repaint for the Warbirdsim P-51 I'm redbuilding Boxted. Will take some time.....but won't take too long! And now:



There's an error in my "installation.txt". Here is the right installation procedure:

0) Unzip to a temporary folder of your choice the content of this zip file
1) Make a copy of the original 'texture.Old Crow' (instead of 'texture.Ding Hao') folder of the P-51 Fighter Leader. Rename it as 'texture.beantown banshee'
2) Cut - Paste the folder 'texture.beantown banshee' into your 'P-51 Fighter Leader' folder and allow to overwrite.

Sorry for the mistake...

Okay,need to clarify. The original installation indicated using Ding Hao as a base texture folder. So, it should have been Old Crow? Mine looks pretty good with the Ding Hao as base.

Okay,need to clarify. The original installation indicated using Ding Hao as a base texture folder. So, it should have been Old Crow? Mine looks pretty good with the Ding Hao as base.

'Texture.Ding Hao' doesn't contain Malcolm_Hood_T.bmp which is necessary for the 'Beantown Banshee' repaint.
So, you're right, I should have wrote 'texture.Old Crow'...

Best regards,

Sorry for the confusion, guys. I was drooling all over Stephan's beautiful screenshots, and posted in the wrong thread. Sorry.