Warning!!! Nit-picker question!!



Okay, before I begin to count rivets, let me just say that I haven't had this much fun with a sim in ages...it truly is a work of art. And the one small problem I have in no way takes away from that.

BUT...why is the Camel's windscreen the way it is? The majority of the Camel references I've seen have the split/squared off version. The only reason I bring it up is that the Camel is my personal fav, and I'm curious about the decision to include the rarer rounded version. It was like this in Phase 2, and I was hoping it'd be corrected.

Again, NOT a big deal...but as a grognard, I absolutely had to ask.

Feel free to ignore me, however, as I'm just nit-picking.
I guess you'll just have to wait for Polovski, as he's the modeller. Don't know the time in Great Britain, but now is 12:40am EST :ernae:
WHAT? You mean he doesn't stay up till the wee hours of the night answering dumb questions! Preposterous! The only thing I can do now is bide my time by playing Phase 3...the NERVE of some people! :friday:
I built the Camel and Pol and Winder did some cool upgrades later on.

I had pics of the Camel with that rounded screen. We use a variety of pictures and sources for the model detail, and often we find that the same aircaft would have lots of variations on minor fittings......for example I have seen Vickers guns with plain old iron sights, big round sights, small round sights and rectangular sights......same with the screens you refer to.

Talking for myself, if I see lots of options. I usually go for the one I would have chosen if I'd been the pilot, and in a position to customise my kit.
"I usually go for the one I would have chosen if I'd been the pilot, and in a position to customise my kit."

Ah, that makes sense. Thanks for the info!
Field mods were the nature of the day. God only knows how many photos you've seen that have been modded from the original factory design.

Oh, i get it ov's

Field mods were the nature of the day. God only knows how many photos you've seen that have been modded from the original factory design.


THEY like ''the boy's of 60'' were flying the MODDED game.:costumes:

My Beef was the sight picture on the Pup, until I saw a picture of one that just left the factory, damned if that wasn't just the way it was.

I'd much prefer the six inch ring sight on the front of the gun, till I realized that was a field modification :kilroy:
Nod- beautiful job on the Camel. It seemed to me to be one of the first realistic planes in OFF. On the subject of windscreens, if you look up the history of 56 squadron, you'll see that the original windscreen for the SE5 was almost a canopy. Albert Ball immediately had it removed (he had enough clout to pretty much do what he wanted, including getting a personal Neiuport 17 in addition to his SE). He replaced it with a small flat screen and fairly soon after, the RFC made it a field replacement (mandatory I think). The original windscreeen looks like it provided much better wind protection but understandably what the pilots wanted is visibility. Better to protect one's arse than one's hair.