Warwick P-51D - Mormon Mustang Previews


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Just wrapped up the last two/most recent schemes of "Mormon Mustang"...I figured after having lived in Utah the last few years I should honor our stay with a fitting paint of this bird. I think I saw it twice flying, once right over the BYU campus while leaving class.

Question for anyone out there familiar with the Warwick bird...does anyone have a good lights configuration for it?...as of now there really are no nav lights or anything by default and I wanted to see if anyone had made a 'mod' to include nav and strobes (just a white semi-strobe on the tail and landing light are all I see)

Replace the Lights section in your aircraft.cfg with this one:


//Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing

light.0 = 4, -1.4, 0, 1.73, fx_vclight_MUST //VC cockpit light
light.1 = 8, -2, 17.9, 0, fx_must_exhaust //Wing vortex
light.2 = 9, -2.00, -17.9, 0, fx_Must_vapour //WIng Vorted
light.3 = 3, 0.07, -18.45, -0.95, fx_navred //Left wing nav light
light.4 = 3, 0.07, 18.44, -0.95, fx_navgre //right wing nav light

The wing nav lights are built into the model...they are just really small...the lines above will brighten them...of course if you want to really jazz them up, use the Shockwave 3D lights package and the nav lights from that package.
