It was I who produced many many schemes for the AS Victor when I used to work for UKMIL.
I created my own Paintkit for this model as 99% of the time I do when working on any flightsim aircraft.
I've not known of any free paintkit available.
Just of interest, what schemes are you looking at? and how lacking a paintkit troubling you?
You hit it right on the nail mate! If one knows how to work with layers... and has a modicum of artistic ability... ALL that is needed are the original textures... for the correct shapes, mapping, etc.
and perhaps... no diminishing of anyone intended... if one needs a paint kit.. just perhaps... one should try making one's own... and learn how to do repaints...
kind of a "no brainer"...
Something I have tried to do, and continue to try, but with little success so far; and the ones I have attempted have been relatively simple aircraft (for example, Ted Cook's Lincoln which is simply screaming out for additional repaints), a Victor kit would be beyond me.
I said yesterday, with respect to your profile work, that I possessed neither the skill nor the patience to be able to do such fine work; we all have our strengths and weaknesses, this area is one of yor strengths, sadly it is not one of mine.