Was there ever a paintkit for the Alphasim Victor?


I've got a couple of interesting schemes I'd like to tackle, but lack of a paintkit is preventing it. Does anybody know if one was ever released?
It was I who produced many many schemes for the AS Victor when I used to work for UKMIL.

I created my own Paintkit for this model as 99% of the time I do when working on any flightsim aircraft.

I've not known of any free paintkit available.

Just of interest, what schemes are you looking at? and how lacking a paintkit troubling you?
It was I who produced many many schemes for the AS Victor when I used to work for UKMIL.

I created my own Paintkit for this model as 99% of the time I do when working on any flightsim aircraft.

I've not known of any free paintkit available.

Just of interest, what schemes are you looking at? and how lacking a paintkit troubling you?

Hi, Jason. I have all of your Victor repaints, truly things of beauty.

I know that South Africa indicated an interest in the Victor at one point, so I've got a couple of "What if ...." schemes in mind; they would be totally different from the standard schemes, hence the need for the paintkit. But with no kit available they will have to remain a mere flight of fancy - ah well, c'est la vie.

You hit it right on the nail mate! If one knows how to work with layers... and has a modicum of artistic ability... ALL that is needed are the original textures... for the correct shapes, mapping, etc.
and perhaps... no diminishing of anyone intended... if one needs a paint kit.. just perhaps... one should try making one's own... and learn how to do repaints...
kind of a "no brainer"...
I personally find that most paint kits fill the perceived needs and/or abilities of the repainting artist... so I usually device my own... either their weathering techniques are no to my liking... or the panel lines are not subtle enough, etc. or the order of the layers does not seem right "to me"...
In few words, if I have to re-work the paint-kit... why waste the time in doing so... when I can do it myself...
At any rate... if one cannot figure this one out... perhaps, just perhaps... one might reconsider the issue....

You hit it right on the nail mate! If one knows how to work with layers... and has a modicum of artistic ability... ALL that is needed are the original textures... for the correct shapes, mapping, etc.
and perhaps... no diminishing of anyone intended... if one needs a paint kit.. just perhaps... one should try making one's own... and learn how to do repaints...
kind of a "no brainer"...

Something I have tried to do, and continue to try, but with little success so far; and the ones I have attempted have been relatively simple aircraft (for example, Ted Cook's Lincoln which is simply screaming out for additional repaints), a Victor kit would be beyond me.

I said yesterday, with respect to your profile work, that I possessed neither the skill nor the patience to be able to do such fine work; we all have our strengths and weaknesses, this area is one of yor strengths, sadly it is not one of mine.
Making a paintkit is fairly easy tbh...

Anyway, Andy, any idea of what your South African version would look like...maybe I could knock you one up if you give me any info.
Don't knock it till you try it!

Something I have tried to do, and continue to try, but with little success so far; and the ones I have attempted have been relatively simple aircraft (for example, Ted Cook's Lincoln which is simply screaming out for additional repaints), a Victor kit would be beyond me.

I said yesterday, with respect to your profile work, that I possessed neither the skill nor the patience to be able to do such fine work; we all have our strengths and weaknesses, this area is one of yor strengths, sadly it is not one of mine.

You may be underestimating yourself... if you go to the thread I started long ago... check the tips on doing not just profiles but textures too...
Giuseppe Sisini tried some of my tips and got going pretty good with both textures and panels... and has now become addicted...
Even when I started some of my stuff sucked... and within a relatively short time, I got where I am now...
I'll be 77 in December... so no truth to the old adage that you can't teach an old dog new tricks...
and you can't beat the feeling of being able to do thins YOUR way... a feeling of freedom...
I can help you if you want to try...

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