Weather dds making


So I am looking at making smog dds vs fog or haze dds files. All attempts to make something like this with fail. Who knows how to make these, or files correctly?

This is the which I had to make a screensaving picture of to upload.


Also when I tried to save the above as a dds file on my desktop I got this!


I want to remake this into a darker colour

So, I seem to have forgot how; in fact never knew; to produce a dds file as pics 1 & 3, using in this case Gimp. At the moment I only get the white background and not the alpha background.:dizzy: With fog, haze, or smog, where one has a very 'hazy' sort of spayed, 'paint' effect, I assume one can't do the traditional reversed black and white alpha dds as I do for more 'solid' airbase work that I have done before.
I have no idea how to do a smoothly blended layer as seen in other's fog or haze dds files! I get definitive lines between and central 'smog' shape and the background alpha! :banghead:
If you mean sort of like a spray gun tool, yes. My problem then is with such an ethereal painted layer. how to distinguish that from the alpha layer.