Continuing this thread, I note I did a similar old one in 2018; not much progress since then!
Is there a weather sdk or anything around? I would like to get something for the project knowledge base thread eventually. Several things to understand,
Background weather; its role.
What I have from John aka SPQR, is
background weather somewhere. Usually this is where your plane takes off and lands. From practice, your plane must fly into a "WeatherObject" or weather cell zone from a background area for the weather to change. The background weather can be as nice or as nasty as you wish. It will be the default weather effect when you are between other weathers."
The there is
precipType="NoPrecip"I have no idea where the parameters such as "NoPrecip" or "LightRain" come from, and not all mission weather has this info. The same applies to entries under "<WeatherObject"
skyboxCloudType="ThickClouds" For instance I have no idea where "ThickClouds", or "BrokenClouds" come from as a search in a couple of installs finds nothing similar.
" MinAltitude="-100
" What are these values referring to? The same for entries under "<WeatherObject"
fogColor="4288987369" all mission xmls seem to have similar and I assume applies to background weather? Is it necessary?
windDir="260" These values seem to be applicable not only to the BackgroundWeather, but also to WeatherObject(s)?
CloudLayer cloudfile="CloudCirroCumulus.xml seems relatively clear and refers to xmls under *\weather\clouds
CloudCount="11" could do with explanation
This info seems quite clear in the box withing which certain weather is activated within "<WeatherObject........</WeatherObject>
<Point Lat="N51 35" Lon="E0 20" />
<Point Lat="N51 10" Lon="E0 20" />
<Point Lat="N51 35" Lon="E0 42" />
<Point Lat="N51 10" Lon="E0 42" />
This info seems quite clear in the box withing which certain weather is activated within
I have also found some interesting weather\missions files, such as weatherspot1.xml all the way to weatherspot16b.xml. I have no idea who made these, but I would like to know. ( EDIT: I think they come from the Mosquito add on by Abacus) They have lines such as
<!--WP4 Final Weather-->
<WeatherObject precipType="LightRain" MaxAltitude="2800" MinAltitude="-100" Windspeed="12" windDir="170" >
<Point Lat="N51 03" Lon="W0 45" />
<Point Lat="N50 56" Lon="W0 45" />
<Point Lat="N51 03" Lon="W0 38" />
<Point Lat="N50 56" Lon="W0 38" />
<CloudLayer cloudfile="cloudCumulusSmall.xml" CloudType="ScatteredClouds" CloudRadius="40000" CloudCount="36" Lightning="noLightning" MinAltitude="1300" MaxAltitude="1300" fogColor="4288987369" />
<CloudLayer cloudfile="cloudFog.xml" CloudType="ScatteredClouds" CloudRadius="15000" CloudCount="85" Lightning="noLightning" MinAltitude="200" MaxAltitude="700" fogColor="4288987369" />
<CloudLayer cloudfile="CloudCumuloStratus.xml" CloudType="ScatteredClouds" CloudRadius="20000" CloudCount="45" Lightning="noLightning" MinAltitude="600" MaxAltitude="1000" fogColor="4288987369" />
which seemto be related to waypoints. I assume these are missionm specific , but I am not sure if the line <!--WP1 Weather-->, etc., actually have an active effect. So if that line was not therer, would not the weather under
still work.
I have left large gaps between sections, so anyone quoting can just do so in the gaps. I really would like weather better explained. Why do I feel that rbp71854 and or O-1Driver used to know about weather files??