Weather in FS2004


Charter Member
Hey all,
I have been trying this for the last three days or so but every time I load up my default flight and load up the real weather I get the same result--thunderstorms and near zero visibility. Odd thing is when I load up the weather it comes up what it really is (not storming) but when it goes into the sim I get the thunderstorms. At that point I go to weather again and it goes through the motions of downloading weather from Jeppesen and comes up with thunderstorms at that point. The only theory I have on this is that a few days ago we had a thunderstorm in the area but it shouldn't take this long for the weather station to come back online would it? Any help on this would be most appreciated; thanks.
I've been using the real weather feature since day one however. This is the first time it has been less than accurate. Here are a few screenshots from my last flight. I took off from Grand Haven 3GM with clear skies, just like it is showing when I look out my window in real life. As I get closer to Allendale and Jenison (my home base at 08C) the storms seem to be building and finally as I get nearer all H-E-double hockey sticks breaks loose.
Just for the record I just did a flight from Mackinac Island and flew over to Pellston. Weather checks out there just fine up north. The only place I am seeing the odd weather is over where I live. I know this sounds crazy but there seems to be literally a storm cloud over my virtual head back home. :isadizzy:
Now this is odd; I just did a weather recce flight from KBIV (Holland) over to 08C (Jenison) and now the weather pretty much matches what I'm seeing out the window (clear). I tried the default flight right out of Jenison and now all seems right. Not sure what happened except maybe the weather station might've got power back; that's the only thing I can think of. Looks like my little problem corrected itself.:applause:
Hard telling what the problem is/was. I've read that the real weather function in fs9 is erratic. That's why I got wmpro.
I use FSMetars, linked to FS2004 and CFS2 via FSUIPC. Very easy on system resources, pretty accurate as far as I can tell....when I am flying from my local strips, the weather is dead on with what is outside my window. Both packages are free.

I use the default real weather and what I notice that there is a time delay in the program in loading the local weather.

I can take off from my default local airport and it will take a few minutes of flying before the real weather actually loads.

Sometimes its necessary to open the flight, then use the menu option for loading the weather.

Is your in game time 'live' or are you using the saved games time ? Try updating your game clock after you load the saved game, then turn on the live weather. The RTW Duenna program has a button to do that.
Is your in game time 'live' or are you using the saved games time ? Try updating your game clock after you load the saved game, then turn on the live weather. The RTW Duenna program has a button to do that.
My default flight starts 'live'. When I fire up FS2004 I get the 'Create a Flight' menu with real weather and 'live' time already pulled up. All I do at that point is go into weather, hit 'ok' and it downloads the weather so there is no lag in weather being generated. At that point I bump the time a couple minutes ahead to match system time and go from there. Up until this week it worked flawlessly. I am still thinking the weather station in the area that Jeppesen uses was taken out power-wise; it was a pretty bad storm last week.
I have Active Sky 6.5 and use that for real weather. But that being said, I have seen times when FS9's Jepperson real-world weather was more correct in rendering than AS.

AS's graphics are used with all.

I too have seen similiar issues with real weather in FS2004. Just recently I noticed the exact same weather loading when I'd select the real weather. The weather data is being pulled from a nearby very active airport so I know that the weather data should be current. I've seen this issue only twice and the problem usually only lasts for a few days and then clears up on its own. Beats me what causes the issue. :isadizzy:

My default flight starts 'live'. When I fire up FS2004 I get the 'Create a Flight' menu with real weather and 'live' time already pulled up. All I do at that point is go into weather, hit 'ok' and it downloads the weather so there is no lag in weather being generated. At that point I bump the time a couple minutes ahead to match system time and go from there. Up until this week it worked flawlessly. I am still thinking the weather station in the area that Jeppesen uses was taken out power-wise; it was a pretty bad storm last week.

well, since I've been using jep weather 'live' about the same time as your problems (only living a couple hundred miles from you) and saw no problems it may NOT be the reporting station being dead. I've NEVER used 'live' weather as default so I'm unfamiliar with how it works that way, BUT you can try going into FSUIPC and 'clearing the weather', then re-D/L the jep weather, OR try my earlier suggestion. Unfortunately my 'active sky' won't work anymore since I've revoked my 'admin' status on this XP puter.

You need to install and run AS under the admin. account.

When you play Microsoft Flight Simulator and turn on the Real-World Weather feature, the weather in the game may either be incorrect or may stay the same every day.


This issue may occur if your Temporary Internet Files folder contains old copies of the weather data files, and the files are not replaced with new information.


To resolve this issue, empty your temporary Internet files folder before you turn on Real-World Weather. To do this, follow these steps:

#1 Quit Flight Simulator.
#2 Start Internet Explorer.
#3 On the Tools menu, click Internet Options.
#4 On the General tab, click Delete Files under Temporary Internet files, and then click OK.
#5 Start Flight Simulator, and then open the flight that you want to fly.
#6 On the World menu, click Weather.
#7 Click to select the Local Weather check box, and then click Real-world weather.
#8 Click OK.
#9 Flight Simulator updates the weather to the current conditions for the flight's current location.
isnt real weather set with a 15 minute delay? So it takes 15 minutes to load the weather that was in an area 15 minutes ago... that is how i always understood it any ways.
Every time I use it its pretty close to what the weather was 15 minutes past the time i started flying. so in a sence you flying through weather that occures in your flying area 15 minutes ago.
Thats how i always understood it to be. It might work better too if your closer to a major town or city as well as they up date and report more often.
my fs2004 real weather seems to work fine for me.
Hope this sheds a little light.

It's 15 minute updates. It's supposed to get the first weather snapshot when you specify real weather with updates and then get another shapshot every 15 minutes after that. The other real weather option is "static" which only gets one snapshot when you select that option.
On top of that there is the Weather Change setting.

I leave it set to medium the other two options are slow and fast.

What that does is decide how fast FS changes the new weather you just down loaded.
My mother was a weather analist for 40 years, she ran alot weather posts all over Canada for the Military so I can ask her what is up cause I know she worked with M$ along with other folks for the real weather set up in the game.

It works well for me.

For those who have not used FSmetars (via FSCUIP or what ever that dll thingie is called):

Fire up MSmetars, then fire up your sim. FSmetars will read your location in the sim, download the weather info for that airport (or the nearest airport with a weather station). As you fly along, FSmetars monitors your location and continues to download weather from new weather stations as you enter their region.

I have started a flight in clear weather, flown for half an hour or so and run into rain and winds. I really like how FSmetars gives such a high degree of variability in weather as you fly from area to area.

I will dig up links for FSmetars and the FSCUIP thingie for those interested in giving this weather combo a try.



FSUICP or whatever it is:

I use version 3.90 of FSUIPC...and did not have to register it to get FSmetars to work.