I have a short "milk run" for you tonight before we head out on the B-17 mission. In this first mission P-47s and P-40s are taking off from adjacent airfields in Italy to hit a rail yard and munitions train. The only problem is as you get ready for takeoff all Heck breaks loose as HE-111s escorted by 109s hit both airfields.
In these screen shots you can see my #2 wingman makes it off the strip behind me but # 3 and 4 get hit by bombs while on the runway. Nothing left of them but smoking craters.
I have a short "milk run" for you tonight before we head out on the B-17 mission. In this first mission P-47s and P-40s are taking off from adjacent airfields in Italy to hit a rail yard and munitions train. The only problem is as you get ready for takeoff all Heck breaks loose as HE-111s escorted by 109s hit both airfields.
In these screen shots you can see my #2 wingman makes it off the strip behind me but # 3 and 4 get hit by bombs while on the runway. Nothing left of them but smoking craters.