Weekly Test Missions


Charter Member 2011
We have started flying a weekly mission to check out the new 1.2 update. This wednesday evening we will be taking B-17s in to Germany to hit a factory and refinery. The two flights of B-17s will have P-47 and P-38 escort.

Our guys flying the escorts will have their hands full as the German fighters will spawn and hit us before we get to the target and then again as we head home. They will have to watch their ammo and fire short bursts in close and make every shot count. If they run out of ammunition we will be in real trouble. In these shots from one of my test runs you can see a pair of ME_262s that appeared just before we got to the target. BTW, those are not contrails from the lead B-17, they are fuel leaks from damage.

The high altitude flak will have no problem reaching us above 20,000 ft. We had 8 guys in the mission last week and hope to have the same number this week.


Hey ...

What time and location? That is if have what is needed. This will be a first for me so patience is a virtue...:faint:eek:r should I just wait.
What time and location? That is if have what is needed. This will be a first for me so patience is a virtue...:faint:eek:r should I just wait.


I am sending you the Team Speak and IP join info. You need to have the 1.2 cummulative patch installed from the FTP. you will also need to have team speak installed and have a headset with mic.

Next week we will be flying your new Lancasters in a night mission. We will be flying widely spaced in a Bomber Stream, our 1st WP will be a sodium flare marker arrow off the coast of France directing you to a heading. You will maintain that heading untill you see the red candle marker flare path and the fires in the target area. You will be able to hear the players ahead of you in the stream as they talk about the illumination flak flares and night fighters.

Although it will not be historical we will include a few night Mossies out in the "Stream" to help us with the German Night Fighters. After hitting the target you will land back in England aided by truck headlights along the runway. All in all pretty much a milk run.
