Weird Problem With FS9


Charter Member
About a week and a half to two weeks ago, I noticed a strange problem with FS9. At first, I didn't notice it, but I knew there was something wrong, then I clued in to what it was. For some reason, the date and time don't match the current date/time as it used to. When I start FS9, the date is June, 2003. I'm stumped :isadizzy:, I've never had this problem before, even after having to re install FS9 in the past, this problem never occurred. I also noticed something else, a text file located in my main FS9 folder, the file name was 11-02-2009_0405, I included it as an attachment. If anyone knows how to solve this problem or know what may be causing it, the help would be appreciated.

Is this your default flight? I've had similar with mine when using flights that I set up to be default. Usually the culprit is not setting up the flight to the actual date and time.

Hope this helps
This issue with the time happened to me once and I found that my options had changed. It was usually set to System Time and when I checked it was set to Flight Time. I changed it back to System Time and I haven't had an issue with it since.

Thanks for the help, the problem was as chrisf36 pointed out. I forgot to switch the time setting from Flight Time to System Time, now it's back to normal.

Thanks :mixedsmi:.