Weird transfer



I started a campaign in RFC-68 stationed in Baizieux 4/1/1918. After a couple missions there I was told to transfer to Baizieux airfield and I was somehow now in AFC-2. My flight was to take off from an airfield north (started with an A) and fly down to Baizieux. Not sure how I got up there to begin with as I landed at Baizieux last mission. Like the good soldier I am I flew down and landed. next mission.. transfer to Baizieux!! Same thing, had to fly down from the "A" field to Baizieux, about 30 miles south. This time there were a few Pfaltz III's down there and I got one before landing. I seem to actually be in AFC-2 at Baizieux now.. small bug?

Also, this is my "Whiteboard".. am I being a bit anal? The "L" stands for "On leave" in the Active column... I write in kills as they occur and then update it after the flight and debrief.
I've had the same thing happen. If you check the dates, all three of your Airfield Transfer flights should have happened on the same day. Chalk it up to haveing three times as many planes as pilots and that after you land, they put you in a lorry and drive you back to the original field to pick up another A/C for shuttle duty.

Nice idea on the whiteboard. I just use the back of botched print jobs
The odd thing was that I was in RFC-68 and we were already AT Baizieux!
I think RFC 68 becomes AFC 2 at a certain time. Early Jan 1918 sounds about the right time.
Some of the German Jastas will change to a b, w or s designator {Bavarian, Wurtemburg, Saxon} at certain times. Also the RNAS changes to RAF {So does the RFC by RNAS changed their squadron number to 2xx as in 210 Squadron}.

Very good for immersion. And good if you wanted to run a Bavarian pilot through a Bavarian Jasta. The level of detail is great.
Some of the German Jastas will change to a b, w or s designator {Bavarian, Wurtemburg, Saxon} at certain times. Also the RNAS changes to RAF {So does the RFC but RNAS changed their squadron number to 2xx as in 210 Squadron}.

Many of the lower-numbered Jasta change their names 3 or 4 times. They start out as a KEK, then become a Fokkerstaffel, then a Jasta, and finally part of a JG.
Many of the lower-numbered Jasta change their names 3 or 4 times. They start out as a KEK, then become a Fokkerstaffel, then a Jasta, and finally part of a JG.

Gents, you are witnessing what we STRIVED for. Historical accuracy! Yes, squadrons will change names in all countries.

Germany decided to 'segregate' Jastas based on pilot origin. So you'll see 21, 23, 32... etc.. become 21s, 23b, 32b respectively. When I went about making the insignias, I tossed in their respective colors and regional insignias. So if you happen to be German... you might feel a little more pride when you see your new insignia. :)

28w starts and always remains 28w. RFC become RAF... etc... even the Laf Esc changes names. It's all good. :)

Yes OvS is correct. In addition, several RFC squadrons became AFC squadrons:

RFC 67 became 1 AFC
RFC 68 became 2 AFC
RFC 69 became 3 AFC
RFC 71 became 4 AFC.