Welcome New Members+

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SOH Bandwidth Drive 2025

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SOH Administrator
For all the new SOH members, WELCOME!

We encourage all of our new members to participate actively in our forums! Please take a moment to introduce yourself to the SOH Community! We'd love to hear from you!

And if you haven't seen or read our simple Rules & Guidelines, check this one out... HERE

But most of all, enjoy yourself and join in on discussions, or create your own. We are all here to learn and enjoy, no matter the skill level. When you post introducing yourself, feel free to include an image to break the ice.

SOH has much to offer! You can even connect using your Facebook account!

Take a moment and take a peak at some of our forums:

The Newshawks: A melting pot of aviation news, current events and entertainment.
FSX: Announcements and general information about the product. You will also find tweaks and guides.
Photography: General information & discussion about cameras, post-processing, reviews, etc. You can even share some of your favorite shots with us.
The Cantina: A place to relax, share a few laughs with jokes and witty sayings, we even play games. Come on in to the Cantina and have some fun with other members.

Thank you so much and once again, welcome!

Best Regards,

The SOH Staff
Thanks Paul for setting me up for posting!
Hello everyone. I've been away from Flight Simming for awhile. I'm retired from the U.S. Coast Guard and spent a number of years as a C-130 Flight Engineer. My first designing program was FSDS and I learned a lot from it.
For the past 7 years, I've been doing a lot of modding work for the space simulation game X2 The Threat, X3 Reunion and X3 Terran Conflict. A friend Observe (team leader) and I got together to do the modding work. We have made the mod Transcend 1 and Transcend 2. I've been doing code work in xml for the mod along with Observe and Observe and a couple of others did the models for the mod. Our forum is at:

I just purchased Max 2011 about 5 months ago and am interested getting some models made to put into FSX. I've used a converter to convert my aircraft to Max 2011 but am having problems with the smoothing which I'll probably end up doing them all over again in Max 2011.
Some of the names in the forum I do reconize and its nice to see them here also.
Greetings pilots and LOH Staff,<o:p></o:p>
Thanks for allowing me to join the group here.<o:p></o:p>
First of all I’d like to thank Al Nix for the invitation to fly the Andean Cargo Runs. Also, I need to apologize for signing up so late. Thanks to Willy and prb I've gotten permission to post here now as well.

I've been activily flying FS since 2000. I acutally got my son a copy of FS2000 as a Xmas present and got hooked on it when flying with him. I've been a member at DC-3 Airways for several years now and am also on fs.com, avsim. I don't participate in multiplayer events as my internet is slow as broad band goes.

I've been flying the Andes Mountains event, however was able to post the results until now. This is the type of thing that I'm very much into. I also love flying the anual World Rallies at DC-3 Airways. I've flown the Hump, flown the Amilia Earhart flight plan several times in varius aircraft, including the Electra complete with driftmeter, sextant, and a built in E6-B pilotage computer.

After reading many of the posts here I'm excited to be a part of such a nice group. I'm aware of and know some of the pilots flying the Andes event as well. Sorry I don't have an avatar yet and can't really find one that I like. Free is good, and so I'm still still looking around.


PS: The handle comes from the comic as I'd spent many years in a cubical. <v:shapetype id=_x0000_t75 stroked="f" filled="f" path="m@4@5l@4@11@9@11@9@5xe" o:preferrelative="t" o:spt="75" coordsize="21600,21600"><v:stroke joinstyle="miter"></v:stroke><v:formulas><v:f eqn="if lineDrawn pixelLineWidth 0"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum @0 1 0"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum 0 0 @1"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @2 1 2"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @3 21600 pixelWidth"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @3 21600 pixelHeight"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum @0 0 1"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @6 1 2"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @7 21600 pixelWidth"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum @8 21600 0"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @7 21600 pixelHeight"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum @10 21600 0"></v:f></v:formulas><v:path o:connecttype="rect" gradientshapeok="t" o:extrusionok="f"></v:path><o:lock aspectratio="t" v:ext="edit"></o:lock></v:shapetype><v:shape style="WIDTH: 18.6pt; HEIGHT: 21.6pt; VISIBILITY: visible; mso-wrap-style: square" id=Picture_x0020_1 alt="http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/images/smilies/wavey.gif" type="#_x0000_t75" o:spid="_x0000_i1025"><v:imagedata o:title="wavey" src="file:///C:\Users\Fred\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtmlclip1\01\clip_image001.gif"></v:imagedata></v:shape>
Now that this serious intro is here I can get back to foolery, antics, joking and a bit of somewhat serious flying.
Hi everybody, greetings from Italy

My name is David, in my real life I'm an Army Officer dealing with the Air Defence System.

Here in the Flight Simulator world I usually fly with the callsign "LUCE7" in the 102° Virtual Squadron (http://www.102virtual.org/), together with some of the guys that created the new SIM SKUNK WORKS team that developed the just delivered F-104S/ASA Vers. 3.0 for FSX.

I've made some videos to introduce our squadron that you can find in youtube, just search "102° VSQN" or my nick "Davide65".

Most of them are made with FS9 as this one


If you like it se also parte two here


Here my last video. I used FSX and the "now" freeware SSW F-104 vers.2.6.
It's about one flight from Rimini AB to Decimomannu AB.


Here you can see the pics made during one formation flight over Northern Italy mauntains (the so called Dolomiti) togegher with one G-91T Trainer:

I'll install soon FSX and SSW F-104 vers.3.01 on my new PC and I'll make a new video and pics ASAP to show all SOH audience this AMAZING SSW model and full 3D cockpit.

Happy to meet all of you.

Good to be back

Thanks Paul for setting me up for posting. I too have been away from flight simming for awhile. Been awful busy with the everyday cares of life. I am a retired U.S. Navy Senior Chief. A Fire Control Technician. Was stationed on 6 different ships during my career. That experience motivated me to begin designing surface naval ships for use in FS9. I plan on picking up where I left off, and concentrate on doing them for FSX.

Hell there folks and greetings from Edinburgh Scotland
I've been a flight simmer for many a year since the old Amiga system really, took a hiatus for a few years as I worked overseas in Iraq as a Security contractor, just got myself a new rig, and have been arming myself up with some great products

REX, Orbix scenery, VFR GenX stuff (The new Scotland pack is awesome ) , and have been flying mostly Superbug VRS F18, and both F15E's from Milviz and Iris, both outstanding aircraft..

Thanks for reading ..

Oh and I'm a keen skydiver as well, with 46 jumps to my name
Greetings from Southwest Ontario!

I have been a lurker here for some time, and recently decided to start posting as I found there are many here who share my love of FS trash hauling.

As far as the hobby goes, apart from flying around I am also a repainter, with real-world repaints both at FlightSim and Avsim (for the CS F-104, RCAF/CAF paints) and at Historic Jetliners (for the 727). But my real passion is the "what-if" side of things. Airliners wearing liveries in which they never served, aircraft that were also-rans in the real world, and so forth.

Oh yeah, and FS9 on my system is currently running as if it were sometime in the early 1960s, using CalClassics' and Retro AI's AI files, as well as airport backdates and retro sceneries, etc.

Be seeing you!
New Member

I'd like to thank "willy" for helping me get all the bugs worked out and welcoming me to the community. I have been "flying" in game for about 4 years now, and this site has opened up so many new avenues for me to explore. I think this site is awesome. The content and the member involvement is extraordinary. Again, thanks "willy", really looking forward to utilizing the site and learning more about all the different ways to improve my gaming experience. I'm currently running FSX with Acceleration on a Dell XPS with dual intel processors, 4Gig RAM, and a Nvidia 8800. This is Finklestein66 wishing everyone a great day!
Remebember me...?

It's been a loonnnng while I haven't been into combat flight sims. Those of you old enough - and that still can remember - I started my online carrier (or lack of) on Fighters Anthology on the Janes server and on Tour of Duty 1,2 and 3), and then mainly on CFS2 on the old MS servers :icon_eek:

I was also on the old AvHistory site trying to get dizzy spinning 1% planes around as they came out of production line :isadizzy:
- If it can't spin, it can't fly!
I got my way into redownloading all the 1% CFS2 planes from here :salute: Boy was I ever happy to find those since it's what I'll be flying. Works great on my newer puter : Win7 64 bit install btw.

I often visited Sim Out House over the years, reading forums and downloading FS9/CFS2/(CFS3 which I never really liked) planes and other addons. Very happy to be here and thanks for the trouble of letting me in.

BTW, Thanks to all of those who, over all those years, made my flight simming so much more fun and realistic. It all started with the 714lib!

:icon29: Everyone

Long time lurker, finally joined. Started out way back with FS2000 and Flanker 2.0. Now FSX and Lock On Flaming cliffs are my main sims. Really into all the great scenery and texture mods that are out there. Main sim areas are SouthWest BC coast and western Europe....Croatia, Italy,Switzerland, Austria. Mostly fly fighter jets.
Greetings from a member in Germany

Hello guys!
And thank you for letting me in to join you here at SOH. My name's Markus, currently 32 years old. Living in a small town near the city of Hanover, Germany. Been flightsimming for a couple of years now, I started long time ago with FS3(!), currently using FSX only. :)
I am also a proud member of Alaskan Winds Virtual Air Service.
I have some experience in editing aircraft's config files, .air files, panels and so on, and also created some repaints for Alaskan Winds so far.
What else can I say? I am a real-world pilot. Working for a german charter airline as a First Officer, with a Boeing 737 type-rating. Best job in the world, if you ask me ;)

Nice to meet you guys here!

Best regards,
A Great Site

Greetings to everyone.
I became involved with sim flight about two years ago. Since then I have become a dyed-in-the-wool enthusiast.

I started flying in real life with my dad when I was 13. He was a flight test engineer at Northrop and worked on all the good stuff. Eventually he became their chief corporate pilot and spent most of his time in the G2 flying the execs around the world. I suppose my favorite memory was a short shuttle flight from Hawthorne to KLAX where Pops allowed me to sit in the right seat. I was 17 and had my hands on the controls of one of the great executive hot rods.

I grew up with aircraft. Dad was the owner of Hobby House Plans Service if any of you remember that one from the sixties. I was surrounded by hobby plans for RC, plastic kits from around the world and a full library of Profile Publications on every aircraft imaginable. I would build the models to exact spec.

I never lost my passion for classic and WWII aircraft. Now with modeling and sim flight I can not only create beautiful aircraft but now I get to fly the birds that one could only dream about previously. Early classic and WWII are my favorites along with early commercial i.e. Douglas DC-6, Lockheed Connie and the Boeing B-377.

Some other favorites are DeHavilland Sea Hornet & Mosquito, North American P-51 and of course the Boeing Flying Fortress. My wife’s dad flew the P-38 in the Pacific. We have very little background on him so I haven’t been able to find his plane, but I have learned my way around the old bird and have shown here what her dad did during the war.

My background and training are in Photoshop and various design software. I have been an artist all my life, so working in this medium comes quite naturally to me. Once I understood the basics of working in the sim software environment I was hooked.

I have been flying many of Milton Shupe’s (and the rest of the crew) planes for quite a while now and have come to realize that the aircraft coming out of this site are equal to the finest pay ware. I have spent quite a bit of time with the D-18 Beech, working with a fully FSX compatible version including bump maps and global maps. When I learned that a FSX version of the exquisite Douglas A-26 Invader was forthcoming I was quite excited. I have since gotten the updated model and converted my liveries to fit the dynamics of the real time lighting etc.

I am curious…will there ever be an FSX model of the Grumman F7F-3. I have the unfinished model and have done extensive work with textures and bump mapping for any forthcoming release. If no plans are in the works for this model, I would be willing to volunteer my efforts towards completing and updating this classic beauty. Carrier landings with this brute are one of my favorite pastimes. No HUD…just the basics.

Thank you Milton and everyone who is a part of the team here for creating some of the finest examples of the art form I have seen to date.
I will be posting some of my work on my page as I get more settled in here.

I am looking forward to meeting all of you.
Gordon…AKA Gman5250
A great community!

Hi to all,
finally I remembered to introduce myself. :icon_lol:

My name is Riccardo, I'm 34, I'm from Italy and I'm interested to aviation since I was a little child: I build my first model when I was only 3 or 4, I still have it somewhere, it was the A-7D Corsair II by MatchBox.
Well, the final result was more like a glue cluster than a jet, however... :p:


I play videogames since about 25 years but I started with flight simulators only this year, so I have a lot to learn.

I especially love old airplanes (the most recent jet fighter that I "accept" is the MiG-29 because it doesn't have the Fly-By-Wire) so SOH is probably the best community that I could find.
I already received a warm welcome by some users and I'm sure that I'll be happy here!

See you on the forum! ;)
Hi Riccardo, welcome to SOH. Pull up a chair and pour yourself a strong brew...you will need it in here.:wavey::icon_lol:
Hi all, I m Coyote...

Hi all,
I presented me, Coyote, I don't use english often, sorry for the language mistakes.
I live between LFPC and LFAD.
I take a lot of fun to play with FSX, essentially with A29, OV10, PC-9, Cessna 337, and my favorite MV-22 Osprey, not perfect but really cool...:jump:.
I hate liner Ah!

See you soon on the forum...
Hello to the SOH Staff and the rest of the SOH Community!

I would like to thank Paul for his rapid response on the Holiday. He's from my home state and I've given him an open invite of Atlantic Canadian Hospitality should he choose to venture a visit to New Brunswick. I'd also like to thank Willy. I have not needed your services yet but most likely, as a new member, I will.

To start off, I'm an American, (Happy 4th of July!), living in the Great White North, (Eastern Canada). I'm retired from US Naval Aviation where I was a Safety and Survival Tech for too long and I learned how to fly the Seaking. (hats off to Capt'n "Sneaky Pete" Daniels, R.I.P.)

I moved to Canada in the early 80's because of a woman, (Mrs. rtrhd1) and my little rtrhd1's are now grown and out of the hangar so I'm back in my simpit full time. My FS history goes back the primitive years. FS ver2.0 and I retain ownership of every issue through FSX. I log a ton of hours each month in FSX with Aerosoft's Huey X. Occasionally, I do strap on FlightReplica's Super Cub Experimental 210. I have been toying around with it by changing out the powerplants, it currently uses the Lycoming 540-series 250 HP for some serious but realistic and fun STO's and landings. I've watched a few Youtube vids of the actual competitions at Valdez, Alaska (Cubdriver749er) and was so impressed... well, you know how it is.

My modest PC situation is as follows: Intel Core2 6300 @ 1.87Ghz.
8 Gigs DDR2
Win7 Ultimate 64-bit
500 Gig C drive with 1 terrabit D drive
GeForce 8800 GTS 512 DDR2
(my sim and related software resides and operates from the big drive)

My sim situation is a bit better: FSX with Acceleration
Aerosoft HueyX and FlightReplicas Super Cub
ORBX PNW, NA Blue, NRM and PFJ with all the trimmings.
Flight1 Utimate Traffic 2
REX with Essential
Active Sky Evolution
"Home" is 7WA3 out west.

I'm not sure what experience I can share with the Community at large concerning the FS world but I'll certainly do my best. I'm expecting to learn a lot of the yet "unfamiliar" area's of the sim so I'll be doing a lot of reading here and posting my fair share.

- Carl