Well a Year has Gone By


Charter Member 2011
and meantime the *then* Alphasim C-17 got a 2D panel, but I haven't heard anything more about the promised full VC.
It's such a beautiful model


I hope it doesn't get forgotten.
Anybody heard anything?
Where could one nudge this without being too annoying? :bump:
I have been an Alphasim customer since the beginning of their run and have always been happy with all they offered but the long promised C-17's VC looks to me to have become vaporware.When buying the C-17 i was under the impresion that a vc was a few months out. Leaves a bad taste in my mouth after many $$$ sent their way.
That's too bad. Since that C17 was released I've seen so many comments on the topic. Overwhelming actually. I stopped reading anything related as it appeared to fly off into the sunset without a return heading.
....I bought a few Alphasim models. Don't fly them much and don't brag about them, less they're free. Like many of the older has beens and coulda beens. Evolution I guess is ta blame.

From all I read the game was forfeited from self made rules inside. That's another topic so I won't go astray. But I doubt you'll see the VC cause that commitment, went away.
When the CS B-52 came out for FSX sans a vc or a soundset for that matter, I posted on another forum that I hoped this wasn't becoming a trend with payware. At least CS has elected to continue with their VC for the B-52. Hopefully it will make it to market. That's disappointing news about the AS C-17 vc.