well, lookie here...


Charter Member
...it's Ivan's Birthday!
Many Happy Returns, old Friend.
..and don't let the kids have too much of your cake and ice cream.
you know how wound up they get with too much sugar.:costumes:
Happy birthday Ivan:ernae:

44, I like the look of it. I wish I could turn the clock back and return there :costumes:... well ... I will have to settle for 55 :banghead: ... but no hurry...:kilroy:
Happy Birthday

~S~ Ivan,

Happy Birthday Ivan.

Hello Folks.

Thanks. I've had guests this weekend for birthday events, etc. Still have them. Kids had cake, so did everyone else.... Not bad all around.

Thanks Guys.
- Ivan.

BTW, These Smilies don't really mean anything in this message. My daughter just wants me to put them in.

actually, they do, but the interpretation might be a little over the top.