Well, So Much For That Idea!

Tom Clayton

Staff member
After my last vid card lost a little of its special smoke, a friend sent me a spare. It had two video outlets, and just by coincidence, I have an extra monitor gathering dust. So what the heck! Maybe now I can pull an undocked FSNav and my GPS onto the other monitor.

Issue one - oddly enough, the card won't support 1440x768 resolution. No big deal, I'm just putting the extra stuff over there.

Issue two - NO anti-aliasing at all! My Sim went from a thing of (relative) beauty to this ugly jagged crapfest! No issue with frames, but regardless of what I told the card to do, it just refuesed to smooth any images, windowed or full-screen. I unplugged the second screen and things are back to normal - or at least what passes for "normal" around here...
Hi Tom,
What is the card and what AA setting do you have it at?

If Ati/AMD then really no more than x4.

Seems odd to have outputs from one card giving two different images??


It is ATI/AMD, but I can max out AA and there's never an issue. I didn't try 4x (might sometime later though), but either way, it's not a big deal. Since the card couldn't support the native rez of the second monitor, nothing ever really looked right on it anyway. Letterboxed DVD's looked alright, but that's about it. Beyond that, I never could find any other real use for running a dual monitor setup. I even tried the factory's site to see if there was a driver d/l, but the only thing they had was for Vista!
Man, I hate it when I dont have AA. My computer with an ATI will not run well in FSX, so I have to switch it off to get frames over 8FPS. But in FS9, sweeeeeeeeeeeeeetness..... :d

Tom, I have a 42" HD LCD TV for my monitor (iMac linked to it) and the largest resolution for the TV itself is only about 1082 pixels. I am sure everyone knows this, but I didnt when I bought it and it was to be a work monitor (of huge proportions, lol). But the rez is just not that good. I think the issue is built into the TV and not the computer system (WinXP for me). The computer will say 'this tv only supports 1082 resolution and lower'.

Some day, perhaps they will make high rez TV's that can be used at monitors in high rez as well. and have AA.....!

One place where I used to work hired a graphic artist to design paper ads. He requested and got a humongous 1600x1200 monitor that I was SO jealous over! I'm currently using a 1280x1024 monitor that I've had for a few years now. I tried using the 1440x786 for a while, but didn't like the squashed oval gauges in 2D mode. And yes, the 5:4 I'm using now also gives a slight vertical oval gauge, but it's much less pronounced than the typical widescreen.