Wellington Bomber?


Charter Member
I am looking for a good FS2004 Wellington Bomber, but have been unable to find one...Any suggestions? Thanks,

Hi Steve:)

There are only 2 I can think of.. the old Alphasim model (which is freeware now) and the version by FCS (First Class Simulations) which is payware and comes in both FS9 and FSX flavours (for one price). The Alphasim model was probably FS8/2002 vintage and wouldn't rank as good or even fair in this day and age. I've not tried the FCS FS9 version but it's 'reasonable' in FSX. The textures are rather 'wooden' and it has it's faults but there are so few to choose from, you have to go with what you've got.

I have the FCS version and I like it a lot, it has a lot of immersion. It just feels right. Of course I have never been in a real one. People in the know will probably find a lot that is wrong but I enjoy it a lot. Will take some screenshots inside and out tomorrow.

My apologies for forgetting Ted's version. Ted's hangar is always a good place to look for off the wall, rarely made models;)
