Went flying today... (in the Sim of course) :D


Hey all,

I was standing outside with my puppy, looking up at the still sky, partly cloudy, calm, cool, and thinking, what a day to go flying.... And it hit me, at least I have Flight Simulator. I can put in some fun stick time and it wont cost a cent for fuel. :d

I decided to do some flying around Phoenix, out of Deer Valley, in the AS Rutan with my special red paint scheme. I flew out to Sun City to the end of the loop, then over to Lake Pleasant, then over to Care Free, did some touch and goes at Care Free airport, returned to Deer Valley, picked up the Cessna 182 RG (Carenado), then returned to Care Free for some more touch and goes.

Then I decided to head out to that lake near the Indian Reservation East of Care Free, and flew down the river for a while, then headed West to the freeway, climbing to 4,000' for the duration, then over the freeway near DVT I then dropped down to 2,000' and contacted tower, entered RH traffic and pulled a nice, smooth (one bounce, arrgh) landing on 25R, and then parked her.

Hadnt flown the 182 and the Rutan in ages. Felt good to take them out. I had real weather static on, but just didnt look right, so I changed out to Koorby Clouds and it was perfect.

Gotta love FS.... Thank you Lord! :d
Hey Jamie,

It is... Now that you mention it. How did that get in there? I must have created an AI version when it was still in FS9 format. I ran out of polygon room on it and had to switch over to FSX.

Now that I can do huge poly models in FS9, I should compile one up. I can put a lady pilot in there now and passengers as well....! and put it in FS9...

Thank you Lord!!!!

In between tweaking and pulling and painting and other "work" in the sim, it's great to remember the fun to be had, just flying Flight Simulator!
Great mood setter shots there...