WEP Trick for Saitek X52 Users


Charter Member
I was messing with the programming software that comes with the X52 (troublesome though it is:isadizzy:) and came up with a fun trick for controlling WEP via throttle setting. Using the programming software, set up the throttle with two bands and create an advanced key command for the first one. Set it to trigger the key you have assigned to the WEP function in cfs3 on both press and release. Then adjust this band so it only covers from 0% to 1% of the throttle's travel. (You may find that it needs to be a band set from 99% to 100% instead). Now when you fly, WEP will automatically engage at full throttle and disengage as soon as throttle is reduced. The latter function is useful if your aircraft is using water/methanol injection as it will otherwise continue to run at any throttle setting. A number of aircraft were set up this way, usually with a detent the pilot could feel before pushing through to engage WEP or injection.