Western Roundup: Data Tracking


Staff member
For this event, data tracking will be done by each pilot, in their own “log book”. The link provided here takes you to the main tracking display page. To get to your log book, click on the link for your name.

The log book page should be straight forward. For each leg, enter the following:

1. The ENDING ICAO code. The start ICAO for the next leg will automatically appear on the next line.

2. Distance, in nautical miles. This data is found on your duenna graphic and the text file.

3. Flight time, from the duenna (not baton time). Enter this data in “HH:MM:SS” format.

4. Penalty time (same format), if applicable.

5. Fuel used, in pounds. This is found in the duenna text file, under the “Landing” section, 4th line down.

There is also a space for comments, if desired.

As you enter your flight data into your log book, the main page will automatically reflect the changes. Sometimes it takes a couple of minutes for the change to show up. This is due, I think, to the way Google Docs “pushes” updates between spreadsheets that are “linked”.

Don't worry about messing it up. If you do, we'll fix it.

I'm posting this now so that we all have a chance to look at it, and find all my mistakes, so we're ready on Race Day. And to make sure this is actually going to work...

Data Tracking Page (Click Here)
Thanks Paul,
...but theres only 1 'm' in comanche.
Is the event already setup in duenna ? i.e. 'western roundup' or 'spring event' ?
Thanks for asking.

To set up the Duenna to properly track your flights on the Duenna server, you want to enter the event name into the panel that comes up when you hit the Settings button. The event name is "2013 western roundup".
Note that there is now a direct link to the main tracking page up on the menu bar at the top of the forum pages
Question, Paul, was it on purpose that the google docs are all view only? I am unable to edit mine?

Just FYI, I was just checking out stuff and noticed a few things on my spreadsheet.. My fuel cost is .18, should it be 0.06? Also the aircraft is a C340II not a C314II - no biggie :salute: As Eamonn noted, I am assuming the spreadsheet(s) will not be available for entry until race day?


Just FYI, I was just checking out stuff and noticed a few things on my spreadsheet.. My fuel cost is .18, should it be 0.06? Also the aircraft is a C340II not a C314II - no biggie :salute: As Eamonn noted, I am assuming the spreadsheet(s) will not be available for entry until race day?


Thanks Roman. A result of copying an existing sheet to make a new one... It's fixed now... :)
NOTAM: I'm making some "adjustments" to the spreadsheets. Don't be alarmed (yet)...
Hey Paul, I'm a little confused about one of the formulas on the sheet- the fuel cost. What does the 1440 represent ?:isadizzy:
Hey Paul, I'm a little confused about one of the formulas on the sheet- the fuel cost. What does the 1440 represent ?:isadizzy:

Because the "fuel cost" is "assessed" in terms of some number of minutes for every 100 pounds of fuel, I needed to be able to convert pounds of fuel to some value that I could add to a cell that's been formatted for time in a Google spreadsheet. If you try to add integer values to a time formatted cell, the spreadsheet thinks you mean "1 day" and it adds "24" (hours) to the cell value. Dividing pounds of fuel by 1440, or (24/60), gives me the right value. Multiply that by the "fuel cost factor" (0.06 for most planes) and you get the correct number of minutes to add to your time, for every 100 pounds of fuel. It works, plug in some numbers... :)
Because the "fuel cost" is "assessed" in terms of some number of minutes for every 100 pounds of fuel, I needed to be able to convert pounds of fuel to some value that I could add to a cell that's been formatted for time in a Google spreadsheet. If you try to add integer values to a time formatted cell, the spreadsheet thinks you mean "1 day" and it adds "24" (hours) to the cell value. Dividing pounds of fuel by 1440, or (24/60), gives me the right value. Multiply that by the "fuel cost factor" (0.06 for most planes) and you get the correct number of minutes to add to your time, for every 100 pounds of fuel. It works, plug in some numbers... :)

Ahh, thanks. I wasn't thinking in terms of 'days' but I knew it was a simple explanation. I was working with seconds and minutes in my sheet (i.e. ounces per second burned). Also noticed your sheet is rounding numbers so I'll need to adjust mine.

Best of luck to everyone, my testing has uncovered some interesting results so this should be an exciting event when the numbers start rolling in.
NOTAM: I'm combining all the "log book" spreadsheets and summary page into one spreadsheet. I thought it would be "nifty" to have each log book a separate sheet and link to them using Google Docs "importrange()" function. But there are two problems with importRange(). First, you can only have 50 of them in one spreadsheet, meaning we're currently limited to 50 entries in this event, and we're getting close enough to 50 that I'm getting "sceered". Second, importRange() is so slooooooooow. You've probably noticed the summary page often says "loading..." for half an hour... So, before tomrrow is over, the new spreadsheet will be up. You won't notice much difference, except it should update faster, and when you click your name, it will take you to your sheet, but you will see all the other ones there as well.
Thanks Paul for all the work with the tracking log. I've been holding off on a second entry as I was getting a bit "skeered" of us hitting 50 too. Now the only question is CDM or Spartan?
For some reason the spreadsheet isn't adding the data from my third leg to the summary page. It's still showing only the first two legs for me. Could someone have a look? Thanks.
Looks like it's updated now. It takes several minutes between updating a logbook spreadsheet, and seeing the results reflected on the summary page.
OK. Sorry about the rash reaction. I was under the impression it was instantaneous, or at least after a refresh. Thanks!