Westland Lysander

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How do I get the Westland Lysander from Simviation to show up in FS9?It says it's for FS2004 and CFS2 and I think FS2000.It has an objects dp folder and and Scenedp folder and these arent in FS9.I put the sound file from a Fockwulf in for the sound as it has all the wave files in it.
The Lysander shows in Windows Explorer fs9 root folder but not in the sim.Any one can help?
Since this aircraft appears to have been intended for CFS 2, the Aircraft file does not show an aircraft manufacturer or variation, so (and this had me fooled a few years ago), have you tried looking in the Aircraft Menu under "Unspecified"?
I downloaded it myself just now and that's where it shows.
Add these lines to the aircraft cfg file in the same place as they are in your other aircraft cfg's.

Found it

I couldn't find the lines in the config file to change so I looked under unspecified and there it was. After applying the update to stop the shakes it flys fine. Thanks guy for the help.

The ones by Jim Jacobson on Simviation are freeware. Didn't know that Alphasim did a Lysander. Must still be a payware item as I have all the freeware stuff they released and there isn't a Lysander in that rather large selection of aircraft.


Indeed the Alphasim Westland Lysander was not released as freeware.
This is a 2006 Alphasim release and one of their great model.
The flight model is very good and have as in real life the special behavior of this plane (automatic flaps .. etc ...)
It was released with many models variations as show under .....







And this is for compare .... the freeware CFS2 model

Adding landing lights to the freeware Lysander

Hi Folks,

In case anyone wishes to do the same,I've added landing lights to the wheel spats on the CFS2 Lysander-which I run in Fs 2002.The model has the light lenses but no lights.

The real world aircraft had these, which were no doubt used on its sneaky night flights over the Channel to France to pick up Allied airmen.

Cfg file entry as follows........

panel=0.00, 1.2, 4.2, fx_vclight
light.1=5, 5.40, -5.20, -5.00, fx_landing.fx
light.2=5, 5.40, 5.20, -5.00, fx_landing.fx

I can't get them to illuminate the ground, maybe someone else can throw some light on that. :isadizzy:


Thank you.

I can't get them to illuminate the ground, maybe someone else can throw some light on that.
You (we) will stay in your (our) dark tunnel .. :)
AFAIK the lights effects on ground is part of the model .. and so (until you have the code source) you can't add it to the model.

Indeed the Alphasim Westland Lysander was not released as freeware.
This is a 2006 Alphasim release and one of their great model.
The flight model is very good and have as in real life the special behavior of this plane (automatic flaps .. etc ...)
After a long wait the Westland Lysander is now available on the Alphasim/Virtavia freeware site.

Westland Lysander - includes Mk1, Mk3A, TT3, sounds (FS02, FS9)