What a pilot-even if he was an enemy



I have just had a dogfight and a half. My Fokker DR! came up against this Camel in QC. ( Does it ever stop raining:))
He would not leave me alone. Just wouldn't! I was slightly damaged in that I couldn't jink about as normal, but I think we both were - time and again we turned on each other when after 15-20 minutes ( honestly ) i got behind and gave him some lead.
Would you believe, his bottom left wing came clean off, but he struggled and kept it level, even though he was sinking. He deserved to land well enough to live but he didn't quite make it, bursting into flames as he struck the ground.

What a fight, what wonderful realism. What a sim.!
Wow, individual wings can come off?! Pukka!!!:jump:

Be careful Flying the Nieuport 17, especially on the way home After a mission. Too violent a use of the rudder, without chopping your throttle first. You can shed your own lower wingtip, often with disasterous results :kilroy:
I'm having huge problems fighting the N17. Anything else I've encountered in March-April 1917 with my Albatros DIII (early) no problem. SPADs and Pups I can deal with, handsomely, even if my aim sucks. But Nieups stall out and recover all the time and there never is much time to find a targeting solution since they dance all over. My wingmates feel the same, I've set up tens of QC with 4 vs 4, us on Vet and them on Rookie. Unless I dispatch two, they win. Every time. Vs SPAD's and Pups, we win. Every time.

I just logged off after having a long bloody such fight, ends with me mano a mano with the remaining pilot. He stalls at treetop level, his plane level and sinking toward the ground. About one or two meters above ground, without any forward airspeed, he picks up and flies off. I couldn't bloody believe it but I no longer wonder my team mates end up in craters while the frenchies stay airborne when we're fighting them low.

I absolutely love this game but N17's are the spawn of Satan.

And oh yeah, my first ace with 9 hours, 8 missions and five kills hit a tree and died. Guess what I had been fighting?

Any tip besides "learn to bloody shoot" appreciated.:help:
You can't out-turn an N17, you'll stall before he will, he's an excellent glider. But you're faster, unless there're trees around.

I'd fly an N17 for awhile :kilroy:
While flying the N17 certainly is good advice (as is not flying into trees) it was not an option available to your average run of the mill German pilot and is therefore not an option for me presently. My internal goal is to get a German pilot through 17 hours flight time from end of March 1917 and onward using DiD rules and in addition not flying allied AC until that goal is reached. Then I'll do the same with a french SPAD unit and then we'll see.

After thinking about it some more I think my flying is decent but I need to follow my attacks through better. I often make the mistake of thinking an enemy is down too early. From now on I'll continue shooting until they lie burning on the ground. And never try to follow when they do the stall-reverse-turn or whatever you call it. I know I can't turn with them and try to do left-diving turns and climbing right-turns to upset their rotary engine. I very rarely get shot down by them.
Try this Geier, when in a losing turning fight at ground level with a Nieup17, keep watching him till he's almost around on your six and in a firing position...( as you are only20-30feet off the deck if you are doing this properly), cut your throttle...(remember this is all about judgement and timing)...continue turning till you feel the stall approaching, and right before the stall level off the wings, nose down and dont pull up till your wheels are skimming the ground, then stay at idle and jink left and right using only your rudder. If you do it right (I suggest practicing this maneuver with a non important pilot till you get "the feel") the Nieup will only get a brief shot at you before he has to pull up himself, he will pull away to gain altitude and then, with throttle reapplied, you may be able to maneuver for a firing position of your own. I have often done this without them even getting off a shot at me. Sometimes they re-acquire me and we have to repeat the process, other times though they are simply dumbfounded and stall away from me so I can then turn and be on THIER six. Give it some practice.
My first advice though is to work on your gunnery, so when your in a higher altitude situation you can use the altitude losing turns that can get you a few bursts, to do enough damage so you can avoid this low level drama.


PS. If you've got more than one on your tail even further back, this may not work so well....:) But how the heck did you get yourself into THAT situation!!
Thanks Zoom, I'll try that. I've also learned when to dive away and extend. They are actually completely lousy at following you as they often continue to do rolls and stalls for a while while you're extending. In larger furballs, extending from low alt is suicide almost all the time, there you just have to keep your energy and fire at whatever presents itself I think. That might change when I get TrackIR but for now there's no way I can scan for sutiable targets and fly with sustained energy.

Oh, btw. I ran into that tree after a wingman had clipped my left wing and I was trying to land.:engel016:
Sometimes you just got to laugh. My new pilot flying with Jasta 19 went on a ballon bust and sure enough, got jumped by a couple of Nieuports. This time I was ready and was zooming around, getting shots in on both of them and generally keeping them off my hapless flights sixes who just seem to be unable to fight against these spawns of Satan. I did a pretty good low yo-yo, got a good firing solution coming up in a few seconds ...
And then I blew up. Aircraft exploded, lower wings fell off and I was once again dead. Guess it was Archie, didn't say on the mission review.

Got my revenge with my first mission on my new career though. Hunted one of the *******s down and shot him so full of holes until he dove into the ground. All around me Albatri kept falling though. I think six or seven elite pilots of Jasta 5 crashed for two Nieups. Not from damage sustained, they just crashed. But not me and then it turned that all save one (injured) were fresh and ready to go a few hours later.