What am I doing wrong?


SOH Staff .."Bartender"
After installing MSFS and getting all the updates I finish up with this screen:

I have an i5 processor with a gForce GTX 1650 Super video card with 16GB of RAM with Windows 10 Build 1903.


  • 2021-01-21.jpg
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Good on ya Pat. When you can, it's a low cost upgrade that will help a lot, add another 16 GB of stick RAM. Might not hurt when you have a day away from the cabin to update your Windows 10 also. There are two upgrades since Version 1909. Each has their own Cumulative Updates. It'll take a while. I find MSFS is very heavy on the GPU, more so than the CPU. Took bush flights in the Savage Cub yesterday. This is the best STOL in the sim.


Now comes the dumb questions. For once I let it run a default install but I cannot for the life of me find where it has installed. On the installation window it said it was installing to: C:\users\aussie\AppData\local but I cannot find it there. Also purchased the Carenado C-182 and downloaded it but had no choice of where it was downloading to and I cannot find that either. But the sim runs beautifully.
G'day Pat
go to appdata>local>packages>MicrosoftFlightSimulator 8wekyb3d8bbwe >localcache>packages>Community or Official then you should be able to find things all your addons will be in your Community folder

Once you're in the Packages folder looking at the Community and Official subfolders, right-click the Quick Links link:)dizzy:) at the top of the left side, then choose Pin Current Location. This will let you get in there without having to drill down file miles every time you want to get in there.
Mind you, it is not like it is written in stone where ones' MSFS Community folder is located.

F.i. mine's at D: MSFSPackages/Community (same SSD where my main MSFS folder is located, in the 'Steamlibrary' folder..)

I remember having been givin a chance to assign the location where i wanted the Community folder to be during installation of MSFS.