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Charter Member
Pissed off Ickie?

Its truly too sad that some would put this site in jeopardy as it seems they have done.
Don't let that stuff get to you, Ickie, most of us love you and have the utmost respect in what you do for us by providing the best place on the planet for FS related stuff.

The others dont wish to abide by the rules, cut em off and let them go elsewhere.
The Outhouse is my favourite Flight Sim site. I am still a relative newcomer and very much value the help I have received from all at the site. The work that Ickie does is appreciated by me, especially the Christmas presents, I only wish my skills at flying them were equal to the skills of those who make and release them, (At least the holes I make in the scenery are getting shallower)
Those who cause upset and annoyance to fellow simmers should think very carefully about their words and actions and what they hope to achieve. Are they helping at all by making hurtful comments? I doubt it. Let's appreciate and value those like Ickie who try to, and really do, make our flight sim world better for all of us.

I have to agree with Harry's comments whole heartedly. Truth be known, this is the only flight sim forum I am a member of. I visit other sites for the downloads etc, but very seldom do I partake of conversations. However, I have always been made to feel very welcome here at SimOuthouse! A great bunch of friendly people - especially the folks who run it - least of all Ickie - a guy who has been there several times at the scream of terror when I lost my passwords for donationaire aircraft! And then he offers up the Christmas presents for 2008 - how could anyone not appreciate this guy!
My hat is off to all the people who offer up their time, space, friendship, money, talent, etc. for the rest of us to enjoy a pleasant flight in our favourite hobby!

Cheers and Happy New Year to one and all - especially you Ickie! I dread to think SOH could be on it's downhill slide!!! :redf:
I joined this forum around the time that the SOH A-26 Invader was conceived. Ever since this has been one of only 4 forums I joined and stayed with. Not only because the huge amount of information but also because of the large number of great people "living" here, some of them I actually met a couple of times in real life and enjoyed it thoroughly.:jump:
Really, I would hate to see this forum/site go. There will always be some senseless people that lack the ability to respect people who are putting knowledge, time and effort in their hobby and share this with others. But those senseless people are only a small minority. The large majority, including myself, highly appreciate the work done by those behind the screens, such as Ickie.:applause::applause::applause::applause:
Before I forget: Thanks an awful lot for everything. To SOH and all present :)redf:) a Happy, healthy and prosperous 2009.

I've been a member here for a while now and I have to say that this is the friendliest, most informative forum I have seen. I have yet to see a question that someone doesn't know the answer to, or a problem that someone isn't willing to help solve. In almost ANY language....

I don't really know what happened to get this kind of response from Icky, it seems I missed something, somewhere. I can only hope that, with some "holidays over, cool off" time, everyone will understand how good we have it and try not to let all the outside stresses affect how we treat each other here. We have members from all over the world, closing the Outhouse because of a few individuals would be a real shame ...Internationally
I believe it was a thread in the FSX board that got out of hand.

That's what you get for going over to the "Dark Side". :costumes:

Sometimes people take things WAY TOO SERIOUSLY.
This IS a GREAT site. It really would be a terrible loss to lose this.
I :applause: you Ickie!
I don't even know all that you do, but I appreciate it all.
Thanks and have a great new year!
From "La Belle Province" Québec !

SOH is the best FlightSim Forum to share our passion.

Happy New Year 2009 SOH !
and do not forget : you are the best.

I drink a Warsteiner Beer to you !
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