What campaign date.



Just wondering at what date most members start thier campaings from?
I always start from the earlist date possible with which ever side i chose.
So far i've got 12.5 hours on a Bristol fighter start date 1/1/15 3 sqd RFC.
Do you think it is harder the earlier you go / or easier ? 110% "DiD"
12 missions
12.5 hours
6 claims / none confirmed.
I started my first one on the DH2, but after he died I realised I would probably never live long enough to get to the good stuff. Then the Pup, and that was alright. Last one was the Camel.

I'll be going back to the DH2 probably; I don't think I could stomach the Bristol and it's squiffy gun but I do feel the need of the challenge the early-war stuff presents.
I start RNAS 8 from the earliest, but I start Jasta 13 so I only have about 15 days in eindekkers before I get the Halberstadt.....never survive long enough though. American earliest is June 1918 so it's a late start.
In Phase 2, I flew an Nieuport 11 in 1915, Got over 7 hours before I got killed, in my third enemy contact.

I felt like the Maytag repairman for awhile !:sheep::sheep::sheep:

PS . . . only means anything to Yanks
I jump all around in time and from side to side....keeps things interesting.
I tried a few quiet sectors but became bored quickly, so now I only fly when and where there are major ground battles going on. I also get bored quickly in 1915, so the earliest I'll start is the 1st 1/2 of 1916. The hotspots are thus:

1st 1/2 of 1916: Verdun
2nd 1/2 of 1916: Somme. Verdun was still going on but the Germans had given up on it by then and had mostly moved to Flanders.

Spring 1917: Arras. This is my all-time favorite to fly Crumpets because the balance is so against them.
Fall 1917: Passchendaele

1st 1/2 of 1918: Anywhere the Germans are making one of their big attacks. There are a bunch of these in different places but none last very long.

2nd 1/2 of 1918: Meuse-Argonne.
Any German squad that gets the Albatros DIII (early) early on, around Bloody April. So far I've flown for Jasta 5, which gets them late March, and Jasta 19 who are to the extreme south in Alsace. If you want action you go for any squad near Arras-Douai-Cambrai in March-April, if you want a less target-filled environment, Jasta 19 is your ticket. Plus, Jasta 19's paint scheme is wicked cool. See screenie thread for my (slight) variation.
In the past I have set up a French, British or American pilot, and then their opposite German flyer from a nearby drome at the same time period. Sort of let's you feel that one character is "actually" encountering the other as you alternate sides.
