What causes these light and dark bands?


What causes these light and dark bands when flying in heavy rain at about 4000 ft? I can go higher, or lower, and they disappear. They stay parallel to the horizon as you can see by the screen shot taken when banked in a turn.
Could it be my settings, or maybe my video card, a GTX650TI. I've always had this problem.


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IIRC Majormagee has posted a file which may improve this. I think its called Skybox? Its one of the texture files in the Effects folder. Probably in the knowledgebase sticky, but hopefully Majormagee can steer you in the right direction
This band along the horizon is one of the things about the original CFS3 rendering engine that AnKor has addressed with his shaders.
This band along the horizon is one of the things about the original CFS3 rendering engine that AnKor has addressed with his shaders.

I finally installed AnKor's shaders and it did not fix this problem when flying in clouds. Sometimes it's more than one band of light and dark. It happens every time I go up or down through the 2000-6000 ft range, and in stock CFS3 and ETO.

Anybody got anymore ideas I could try?

That sounds like the cloud/weather files may be the issue. I assume you are using the stock ones that came with the game? There are a number of them that place the cloud texture horizontally as a thin sheet, and the shading will change as you pass through them.
That sounds like the cloud/weather files may be the issue. I assume you are using the stock ones that came with the game? There are a number of them that place the cloud texture horizontally as a thin sheet, and the shading will change as you pass through them.

Yes I'm using the stock files in the original CFS3 and ETO 1.5. Is there a fix for it, or do I just live with it? I did not add the opt. files and folders the AnKor's shaders install. Would it help if I did?
The Weather Cloud files are not directly addressed in the AnKor package. I have modified my own installs quite heavily in this area, but I hesitate to publish them as a package because they borrow from a number of other people's work over time and I've lost track of who would need to give permission, and get credit. Perhaps one of them could assist you with this?
My Clouds

For what it`s worth i use Aris WOFF HD Clouds and apart from looking good they don`t spoil the effect apart from that blockiness when flying through cloud.